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Michigan office of USDA-NASS

About Us

The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is an agency within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). NASS serves the basic agricultural and rural data needs of the country by providing objective and accurate statistical information and services to farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses, public officials, and others. This data is vital to monitoring the ever- changing agricultural sector and carrying out farm policy. NASS keeps U.S. agriculture well informed by providing basic data in a timely, accurate, and impartial manner necessary to keep agricultural markets stable and efficient. This also helps maintain a "level playing field" and provide equal access to all users of agricultural statistics. There are 46 field offices serving all states and Puerto Rico. The Michigan Field Office is located in East Lansing.

The Michigan Field Office collects, verifies, and analyzes data used to prepare Michigan statistical estimates. Survey data are analyzed by statisticians who then make recommendations to the national headquarters in Washington, D.C.. Statisticians in headquarters issue the state and national estimates to the public on scheduled dates throughout the year. About 300 national and 200 state reports are issued annually. NASS is also responsible for the Census of Agriculture.

The Michigan Field Office is a part of the Executive Division within the Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA). A Cooperative Agreement was signed in 1919 between the State and USDA to avoid duplication of effort and provide timely agricultural statistics. Strong state support makes many special State projects possible. Some examples include: Fruit, Vegetable, Nursery, Christmas Tree, and Turfgrass surveys. County level estimates and publication of the annual Agricultural Statistics bulletin are products of this support.

Click here for "A Day in the Life of a MASS Employee", an MDA "Agriculture Every Day" web magazine article published in May 2003.

Farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses are the grassroots source of information, collected through voluntary surveys conducted throughout the year. Special thanks and appreciation go to the many Michigan farmers who donate their time to make these reports possible. "Agriculture Counts" when based on facts.

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