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Reports to Congress

Annual Report book cover

Annual Report

Report on operations of the Board during the year. Provides minutes of Federal Open Market Committee meetings, financial statements of the Board and combined financial statements of the Reserve Banks, financial statements for Federal Reserve priced services, information on other services provided by the Reserve Banks, directories of Federal Reserve officials and advisory committees, statistical tables, and maps showing the System's District and Branch boundaries.

Single copies only, no charge

2007 Annual Report

Previous reports:
2006  |  2005  |  2004  |  2003  | 
2002 (2.7 MB PDF)  |  2001 (1.7 MB PDF)  |  2000 (1.6 MB PDF)  |  1999 (1.5 MB PDF)  |  1998 (1.5 MB PDF)  |  1997 (1.4 MB PDF)  |  1996 (2.1 MB PDF)  |  1995 (2.5 MB PDF)  | 

Annual Report: Budget Review book cover

Annual Report: Budget Review

Reports on the current budgeted expenses of the Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve Banks. The previous year's income and expenses are also discussed. Describes the budgeting process for the Board and Banks and shows trends in expenses and employment.

Single copies only, no charge.

2008 Annual Report: Budget Review (940 KB PDF)

Previous reports:
2007 (555 KB PDF) | 2006 (401 KB PDF) | 2005 (406 KB PDF) | 2004 (457 KB PDF) | 2003 (451 KB PDF) | 2002 (353 KB PDF) | 2001 (414 KB PDF) | 2000 (554 KB PDF) | 1999 (353 KB PDF) | 1998-99 (362 KB PDF) | 1996-97 (567 KB PDF | 1995-96 (555 KB PDF)

Cover of Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Report

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Reports

Although the Federal Reserve Board is not covered by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), the Board has chosen to voluntarily comply with the spirit of the act.

Planning Document 2006-09

Biennial Performance Plan 2006-07 - July 2006   HTML | 349 KB PDF

Performance Report, 2004-05  HTML | PDF (96 KB PDF)

Previous reports:
Planning Document 2004-08
Planning Document 2001-05  HTML | PDF (149 KB PDF)
Planning Document 1997-2002 (83 KB PDF)

Previous reports:
Biennial Performance Plan 2004-2005 - August 2004
Biennial Performance Plan 2002-2003 - December 2002  HTML | PDF (109 KB PDF)
Biennial Performance Plan 1998-1999 (152 KB PDF)

Previous report:
Performance Report 2002-03 - August 2004
Performance Report 2000-01 - December 2002 HTML | PDF (51 KB PDF)

Monetary Policy Report to the Congress logo with image of Capitol

Monetary Policy Report

Addresses recent and prospective economic performance and monetary policy. Delivered annually in February and July.


Other Reports to Congress


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