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Table 3-29b: Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government from Own Funds, Fiscal Year

(Chained 2000 $ millions)

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
TOTAL, all modesa (R) 112,303 (R) 118,603 (R) 131,270 (R) 136,269 (R) 141,489 (R) 139,654 (R) 146,867 (R) 147,898 (R) 147,963 (R) 150,518 (R) 156,120 (R) 161,153 (R) 167,360 176,209 U
Federal (R) 47,715 43,048 41,090 41,738 43,938 44,593 46,000 (R) 45,665 (R) 44,761 (R) 44,852 (R) 43,838 (R) 45,167 (R) 49,443 (R) 53,139 57,739
State and locala (R) 64,587 (R) 75,555 (R) 90,180 (R) 94,531 (R) 97,551 (R) 95,061 (R) 100,866 (R) 102,233 (R) 103,202 (R) 105,665 (R) 112,282 (R) 115,986 (R) 117,916 123,069 U
Highways, total 69,411 71,647 81,520 83,715 85,122 83,992 87,023 90,023 90,605 91,760 96,018 99,575 103,952 107,673 U
Federal 22,649 22,876 20,618 20,128 20,938 21,671 23,286 22,544 22,688 22,990 21,985 24,311 27,759 29,391 31,570
State and local 46,762 48,771 60,902 63,587 64,184 62,321 63,737 67,479 67,917 68,770 74,033 75,264 76,192 78,281 U
Air, total 11,190 12,091 16,510 17,618 19,709 20,842 20,871 (R) 19,039 (R) 19,029 (R) 20,275 (R) 20,849 (R) 22,556 (R) 22,017 (R) 24,485 U
Federal 7,279 7,526 9,706 10,474 11,587 12,007 11,751 (R) 11,590 (R) 11,072 (R) 10,825 (R) 11,196 (R) 10,988 (R) 10,481 (R) 11,345 12,382
State and local 3,911 4,565 6,804 7,144 8,122 8,835 9,120 7,449 7,957 9,450 9,653 11,568 11,536 13,140 U
Transit, totala (R) 17,876 (R) 25,109 (R) 25,024 (R) 26,200 (R) 27,496 (R) 25,516 (R) 29,305 (R) 29,714 (R) 29,285 (R) 29,301 (R) 30,174 (R) 30,281 (R) 32,384 (R) 32,722 U
Federal 6,398 5,213 5,091 4,952 4,570 4,200 4,364 5,007 4,796 4,918 4,564 4,402 (R) 5,334 6,917 7,314
State and locala (R) 11,479 (R) 19,897 (R) 19,933 (R) 21,248 (R) 22,926 (R) 21,316 (R) 24,941 (R) 24,707 (R) 24,489 (R) 24,383 (R) 25,611 (R) 25,879 (R) 27,050 (R) 25,806 U
Water, total 8,789 7,829 7,211 7,373 7,644 7,887 8,189 7,462 7,474 7,565 7,620 7,972 7,946 10,219 U
Federal 6,401 5,540 4,700 4,846 5,353 5,329 5,160 4,902 4,645 4,520 4,658 4,714 4,814 (R) 4,392 4,964
State and local 2,388 2,288 2,511 2,527 2,291 2,558 3,029 2,560 2,829 3,045 2,962 3,258 3,132 5,827 U
Rail, total 4,683 1,631 (R) 717 (R) 987 (R) 1,123 (R) 975 (R) 978 1,167 (R) 1,114 (R) 1,238 (R) 1,167 (R) 459 (R) 767 (R) 723 U
Federal 4,635 1,608 710 985 1,120 969 964 1,157 1,103 1,221 1,145 442 (R) 760 709 1,232
State and local 48 23 (R) 8 (R) 1 (R) 3 (R) 6 14 10 (R) 11 (R) 17 (R) 23 (R) 17 (R) 7 (R) 15 U
Pipeline, totalb RZ 12 34 35 40 40 45 51 U U U U U U U
Federal RZ RZ 12 12 15 16 19 24 36 33 36 35 36 28 41
State and local RZ 12 21 24 25 24 26 28 U U U U U U U
General support, totalc (R) 354 284 253 341 356 402 456 440 420 345 255 (R) 274 (R) 259 (R) 357 235
Federal / general support (R) 354 284 253 341 356 402 456 440 420 345 255 (R) 274 (R) 259 (R) 357 235

KEY: R = revised; RZ = no activity or a value of zero; U = data are not available.

a Data for 1980, 1985 and 1990-2001 have been revised due to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s revision to the source data on federal expenditure and federal grants.

b Includes gas and liquid pipeline.

c General support represents administrative and operating expenditures of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Interstate Commerce Commission (terminated at the end 1995), and the National Transportation Safety Board.


Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

Numbers for state and local expenditures from own funds were calculated by deducting federal grants from state and local expenditures that included federal grants.


1980: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, unpublished data.

1985–2002: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics 2003 (Washington, DC: forthcoming).

Constant dollar deflator: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, Washington, DC, table 3.9.4, "Chain-Type Price Index."