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Table 3-28: Cash Balances of the Transportation-Related Federal Trust Funds, Fiscal Year

($ millions)

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
TOTAL, all funds                                  
Current $ 16,441 20,483 31,795 35,697 37,475 36,499 31,916 32,345 31,139 31,306 30,637 44,323 48,175 45,550 44,250 38,385 32,664
Chained 2000 $ 30,847 29,272 41,216 44,492 45,368 43,047 36,659 36,138 33,853 33,471 32,416 45,749 48,175 44,698 42,028 35,189 29,877
Airport / Airway Trust Fund                                  
Current $ 5,442 7,426 14,355 15,263 15,204 12,850 12,386 11,365 7,692 6,358 9,411 12,446 13,934 14,485 12,642 12,397 11,669
Chained 2000 $ 10,210 10,613 18,609 19,024 18,406 15,155 14,227 12,698 8,363 6,798 9,958 12,846 13,934 14,214 12,007 11,365 10,401
Highway Trust Fund, highway account                                  
Current $ 10,999 10,361 9,629 10,246 11,300 11,523 7,927 9,421 11,658 12,575 8,519 19,206 22,553 20,372 22,233 17,815 14,569
Chained 2000 $ 20,636 14,807 12,482 12,770 13,680 13,590 9,105 10,526 12,674 13,444 9,014 19,824 22,553 19,991 21,116 16,332 12,986
Highway Trust Fund, transit account                                  
Current $ N 2,524 7,155 9,250 9,798 10,617 9,945 9,579 9,525 9,857 10,051 9,753 8,547 7,368 6,096 4,823 3,777
Chained 2000 $ N 3,607 9,275 11,529 11,862 12,522 11,423 10,702 10,355 10,539 10,635 10,067 8,547 7,230 5,790 4,421 3,367
Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund                                  
Current $ N N 30 74 121 305 451 621 865 1,106 1,246 1,556 1,621 1,777 1,850 2,001 2,299
Chained 2000 $ N N 39 92 146 360 518 694 940 1,182 1,318 1,606 1,621 1,744 1,757 1,834 2,049
Inland Waterway Trust Fund                                  
Current $ N 172 281 217 186 180 214 238 275 300 327 345 364 404 392 383 350
Chained 2000 $ N 246 364 270 225 212 246 266 299 321 346 356 364 396 372 351 312
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund                                  
Current $ N N 345 647 866 1,024 993 1,121 1,124 1,110 1,083 1,017 1,156 1,144 1,037 966 856
Chained 2000 $ N N 447 806 1,048 1,208 1,141 1,252 1,222 1,187 1,146 1,050 1,156 1,123 985 886 763

KEY: N = data do not exist; R = revised.


1980-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transportation Receipts and Outlays in the Federal Budget, Fiscal Years 1977-94 (Washington, DC: April 1997), table 1-3.

1995-2004: U.S. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Appendix (Washington, DC: Annual issues).

Chained dollar deflator

1980-2004: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Interactive Access to National Income and Product Accounts Tables, table 3.9.4, "Price Indexes for Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment," Internet site as of Feb. 22, 2005.