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Table 1-54: Value of U.S. Land Exports to and Imports from Canada and Mexico by Mode

($ millions)

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  1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Exports to Canada, total 124,701.2 129,884.1 139,109.7 133,970.3 137,745.4 146,374.1 154,847.4 145,661.6 146,435.3 154,870.8 171,878.1
Truck 89,151.1 97,423.4 102,743.0 111,173.8 114,806.1 123,140.0 129,825.3 117,694.5 118,259.1 124,235.0 135,897.5
Rail 13,593.9 15,271.9 15,678.7 13,255.6 12,279.6 11,754.6 12,946.5 12,972.7 13,974.1 14,776.5 16,596.6
Pipeline 133.8 121.3 162.2 180.6 93.4 113.9 161.6 221.3 174.3 759.6 1,584.2
Othera 21,753.2 17,010.5 20,467.5 9,336.1 10,559.5 11,360.0 11,913.4 14,772.0 14,026.7 15,099.2 17,776.7
Mail b 69.3 57.0 58.3 24.1 6.8 5.6 0.6 1.1 1.2 0.4 23.1
Exports to Mexico, total 46,503.3 42,662.2 51,753.4 64,169.5 70,165.3 76,129.0 97,158.9 88,926.4 85,157.8 85,614.8 97,303.7
Truck 39,066.5 35,914.2 44,091.8 55,592.6 60,432.1 66,923.8 82,389.2 74,223.1 70,924.7 70,550.8 79,349.2
Rail 4,192.0 4,694.4 5,119.2 5,648.0 6,188.8 5,710.6 10,495.8 10,389.4 10,143.0 11,264.9 13,632.9
Pipeline 0.4 1.0 2.3 68.3 73.4 144.2 301.8 296.1 567.9 155.3 87.2
Othera 3,238.9 2,025.8 2,540.1 2,860.5 3,470.0 3,349.6 3,972.0 4,017.7 3,521.5 3,643.3 4,216.4
Mailc 5.5 26.8 - 0.1 1.0 0.7 - 0.1 0.6 0.4 18.1
Imports from Canada, total 123,504.9 143,669.5 156,206.6 155,682.6 162,105.7 183,723.5 210,270.5 200,853.4 194,820.7 207,448.4 236,734.9
Truck 79,456.4 88,964.9 98,400.8 99,814.8 108,856.7 118,901.4 127,816.3 117,129.9 117,985.3 116,714.1 132,762.1
Rail 30,322.8 39,996.9 39,811.0 38,293.0 37,374.1 46,255.4 49,699.2 47,197.9 46,966.8 49,980.9 57,947.2
Pipeline 9,728.6 10,606.6 12,796.2 13,879.5 11,120.1 12,055.5 23,117.1 25,908.5 21,832.3 31,451.3 36,828.3
Othera 3,991.6 3,888.2 4,968.4 3,572.5 4,575.1 6,386.9 9,571.0 10,523.8 7,992.7 9,236.6 8,994.4
Mail 5.5 5.2 6.9 0.4 1.7 13.1 4.1 7.2 0.4 0.3 0.2
FTZd U 207.6 223.4 122.4 177.9 111.2 62.8 86.1 43.3 65.3 202.6
Imports from Mexico, total 43,616.2 54,048.9 63,312.2 72,155.0 81,720.3 95,023.4 113,436.4 111,870.3 114,380.8 114,842.5 127,645.7
Truck 35,013.9 43,014.3 48,350.0 56,716.5 65,883.7 76,448.0 88,668.7 86,377.2 90,593.6 92,535.0 104,943.8
Rail 7,769.0 9,137.9 12,297.7 12,646.9 12,029.7 14,693.4 21,056.1 22,056.8 20,790.7 19,701.7 20,183.4
Pipeline 187.9 27.4 8.1 3.6 2.4 1.5 11.5 1.6 0.6 0.2
Othera 643.5 768.9 639.2 668.2 917.8 1,255.8 1,573.9 1,539.7 1,548.9 1,600.1 1,838.7
Mail 1.9 1.3 1.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.2
FTZd U 1,099.2 2,015.6 2,119.6 2,886.7 2,624.4 2,125.7 1,894.9 1,446.8 1,005.4 679.8

KEY: − = value too small to report; U = data are not available.

a Other includes "flyaway aircraft" or aircraft moving under their own power (i.e., aircraft moving from the manufacturer to a customer and not carrying any freight), powerhouse (electricity), vessels moving under their own power, pedestrians carrying freight, and unknown and miscellaneous.

b Mail shipments data for several years prior to May 2004 were not compiled correctly resulting in undercounts.

c Beginning in January 1996, new edit checks were added in the processing of the these data. Because of these checks, the number of mail export shipments from the United States to Mexico declined sharply between 1995 and 1996. The Census Bureau found that a number of rail shipments were misidentified as mail shipments in 1994 and 1995, although the exact proportion of these is unknown.

d Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs) were added as a mode of transport for land import shipments beginning in April 1995. Although FTZs are being treated as a mode of transportation in the Transborder Surface Freight Data, the actual mode for a specific shipment into or out of an FTZ is unknown because U.S. Customs does not collect this information.


Shipments that neither originate nor terminate in the United States (i.e., in transit, in-bond shipments) are not included here, although they use the U.S. transportation system. These shipments are usually part of Mexico-Canada trade, and simply pass through the United States. Transshipments, however, are included between 1994, 1995, and 1996; these are shipments that entered or exited the United States by way of a Customs port on the northern or southern border, but whose origin or destination was a country other than Canada or Mexico. Starting in 1997, transshipments are excluded. Users should note these differences before comparing figures for 1994-96 with 1997 and subsequent year data. Data exclude export shipments valued at less than $2,500 and import shipments valued at less than $1,250.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight Data, Internet site as of Nov. 9, 2005.