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Biological and Laboratory Safety

The Biological and Laboratory Safety Group’s mission is to prevent occupational infections/exposures and the release of potentially hazardous materials to the laboratory environment. The Biological and Laboratory Safety Group’s mission objective is achieved through the promotion of safe laboratory practices, procedures, and proper use of containment equipment and facilities also by stimulating responsible activities among laboratory workers and investigators at the NCI-Frederick.

For additional information or assistance, please contact:

 Biological Safety Officer  Ms. Theresa Duley Bell       x5038 duleyt@ncifcrf.gov
 Senior Occupational Safety Specialist Ms. Cara Leitch  x7299  cleitch@ncifcrf.gov
 Senior Occupational Safety Specialist Ms. Dana Young    x7655 dkline@ncifcrf.gov

Learn more about Biosafety and our programs below:



NCI-Frederick EHS Operations and Compliance Manual:

C-3_Pathogen Program.pdf
C-5 Recombinant DNA Registration.pdf
D-4 Select Agents.pdf


Other Useful Links:

Chesapeake Area Biological Safety Association http://www.chabsa.org/
American Biological Safety Association http://www.absa.org/
OSHA http://www.osha.gov
World Health Organization (WHO) http://www.who.ch
the NIH Guidelines for Recombinant DNA Research http://www.nih.gov/od/ors/ds/pubs/guide.html
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov
NIH Safety Office http://www.nih.gov/od/ors/ds/index.htm
EPA's registered antimicrobial products http://www.epa.gov/oppad001/chemregindex.htm
Office of Biosafety, Health Protection Branch, LCDC, Health Canada http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpb/lcdc/biosafty/index.html
Guidelines for Research Involving rDNA Molecules  http://www4.od.nih.gov/oba/rac/guidelines/guidelines.html
  National Cancer Institute (NCI)      National Institutes of Health (NIH)      Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)      USA.gov