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Updated 12 October, 2003

High-End Climate Science: Development of
Modeling and Related Computing Capabilities
9. Reference Documents
Report to the USGCRP from an ad hoc Working Group on Climate Modeling, December 2000


Table of Contents

Subcommittee on Global Change Research, Participating Agencies and Executive Offices

Ad hoc Working Group on Climate Modeling


Executive Summary

  1. Background

  2. Summary of Findings

  3. Summary of recommen- dations

  4. Final Comments

Charge to the Working Group 

Main Report

  1. Purpose

  2. Current Situation

  3. Scope of Document / Underlying Definitions and Assumptions

  4. Elements of Climate Science

  5. Issues of Computational Systems

  6. Human resources

  7. Management / Business Practices / Institutional models

  8. Recommen- dations

  9. Reference Documents

  10. Endnotes

Full Report (PDF)

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National Academy Reports

Previous Reports and Reviews on U.S. Modeling

Reference on data usage

  • Errico, R. M., Workshop on Assimilation of Satellite Data, Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 80, 463-471, 1999

Suggested reference on organizational and business models

References on computational issues

  • Christensen, C. M., The Innovators Dilemma, Harper Business, 2000
  • Top 500 Supercomputer Sites.  Compilation of the top 500 supercomputer facilities in the world.
  • Testimony of Professor Ken Kennedy (Director of the Center for Research on Parallel Computation at Rice University and Ann and John Doerr Professor of Computer Science) before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Basic Research, 6 October 1998, Hearings on the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee, Interim Report to the President.


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