Committee on the Marine Transportation System


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Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS)

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“The United States Marine Transportation System will be a safe, secure, and globally integrated network that, in harmony with the environment, ensures a free-flowing, seamless, and reliable movement of people and commerce along its waterways, sea lanes, and intermodal connections.”

[The National Strategy for the MTS,
July 2008].

On Monday, November 17, 2008, the CMTS held two briefings on Capitol Hill regarding the National Strategy for the Marine Transportation System: A Framework for Action.  Thirty House and Senate staff members joined the briefings to learn more about the CMTS, the National Strategy and other ongoing activities.  The presentation was provided by Captain Wayne Muilenburg, Chief of the Office of Waterways Management, US Coast Guard; Ms. Elizabeth Megginson, Acting Deputy Administrator, US Maritime Administration; Mr. Jack Dunnigan, Assistant Administrator, National Ocean Service, NOAA; and Colonel Alex Dornstauder, Executive Director for Civil Works, US Army Corps of Engineers.  Helen A. Brohl, Director of the CMTS Executive Secretariat, introduced the panelists, provided background on the CMTS and moderated the question and answer periods.
View CMTS Presentation - 11/17/2008 PDF

On Thursday, July 10, 2008, the U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System approved the ”National Strategy for the Marine Transportation System:  A Framework for Action."  The strategy contains over 30 actions for federal agencies to address five priority areas: system capacity, safety and security, environmental stewardship, resiliency and long-term funding.


Last updated: 1/8/2009