Table 4

Scavenging removal rate for Fe and other oxanion species from seawater over the southern East Pacific Rise between 13°30'and 18°40'S and the north Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
Element Mean Element/Fe Molar Ratio in SEPR Plume Scavenging Removal Rate, umol m-2d-1 SEPR, 13°30'-18°40'S1 Scavenging Removal Rate, umol m-2 d-1 north Cleft Segment2
Fe - 2197 2273
P 0.173 395 480
V 0.0029 6.3 5.7
As 0.0018 4.0 4.5
Cr 0.0009 2.1 3.4
1 assumes a cross-axis flow of 0.3 cm-1 s-1 as described in the text
2 from Feely et al. (1994a)

Last Updated on 5/6/97
By James Gendron