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  Axial Volcano  

Axial mapAxial volcano is seamount at 46°N, 130°W, at the intersection of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and the Cobb seamount chain. It rises 1100 m above the surrounding ocean floor to a minimum depth of 1400 m below sea level.

Axial Volcano is the site of NeMO (New Millennium Observatory) and the near realtime vent monitoring system, NeMO Net. NeMO is a multi-year research effort begun in 1998, involving a time-series of in situ observations at the eruption and venting sites. In January of 1998, SOSUS detected an eruption on Axial which was studied on an event response cruise in February 1998 and subsequent NeMO cruises.

For more information on Axial seamount see:

VENTS Geology Axial Volcano
1998 Axial Seismic Event
Flow over Ridges and Seamounts Models

updated 3/12/2003

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