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VAPS Icon "10rlprofdep1turn" Value-Added Product (VAP)

Example  10rlprofdep1turn Data Plot
Example 10rlprofdep1turn data plot.

Active Dates: 3/1/1998 to 1/6/2004.

Description: Raman LIDAR (RL): depolarization profiles and single layer cloud optical depths

The primary goal of the Raman Lidar Profiles - Depolarization Ratio (RLPROF_DEP) VAP is to produce linear depolarization ratio profiles. Linear depolarization is defined as the ratio of the cross-polarized return to the co-polarized return, where the components are with respect to the polarization of the outgoing laser beam. It is important to note that the product created by this VAP (at this time) is total linear depolarization; i.e., the Rayleigh component has not been removed. Also, this ratio is not automatically calibrated as this time, and some system drifts can be observed.

For more details, see the RLPROF_DEP web page.

Originating VAP Process

Primary Measurements

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers for the list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

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