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Sacramento, CA 94244-2020
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Emergency and Proposed Regulations

Substantial Disability
(Emergency/Proposed Regulations)

Description: Assembly Bill 1762, Chapter 230, Statutes of 2003 amended the definition of substantial disability in individuals with developmental disabilities. Emergency regulations revise the definition used in determining eligibility for regional center services.

Affected Regulatory Code Sections: Title 17 California Code of Regulations, Sections 54001 and 54010.


Emergency regulations submitted to the California Office of Administrative Law on 09/23/2003
Effective date of Emergency Regulations 09/25/2003
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 10/17/2003
45-day comment period ends at 5:00 p.m. on 12/01/2003
15-day comment period ends at 5:00 p.m. on 01/02/2004
Emergency Regulations Readopted 01/22/2004
Final text of the regulations filed with the Secretary of State on 03/03/2004
Effective Date of Regulations 03/12/2004

Contact Person: John Ellis (916) 654-2190 or e-mail at jellis1@dds.ca.gov.

Emergency Rulemaking Document(s):

Rulemaking Document(s):

Last Updated: 10/23/2007