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SVS >> Weather

Movie ID Title
The full, narrated 5.5 minute Weather-in-the-Cockpit video 109 Increasing Air Traffic Safety, Using Real Time Weather in the Cockpit
The first module, Geography, deals briefly with the effect that geography has on global weather patterns and climate. 77 Cycles of the Atmosphere: Modules 1-3
Goes in geostationary orbit over the Earth 10292 Goes 13 (M) Spacecraft
This animation visually describes how CloudSat and CALIPSO data slices can augment the study of meteorology. 10091 Weather: CloudSat and CALIPSO Help the Study of Meteorology
This animation illustrates how CALIPSO captures data to study the nature of the atmosphere. 10090 CALIPSO Science Objectives Animation
This is an illustration of CloudSat science measurements of clouds' vertical structure, liquid water and ice quantities, as well as clouds' effect on Earth's energy budget. 10089 CloudSat Science Objectives Animation logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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