The ATLAS User Group Executive Committee

The current membership of the ATLAS User Group Executive Committee is:

Partha Chowdhury University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Augusto Macchiavelli Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Mark Riley Florida State University
Kris Starosta (Chair) Michigan State University


The ATLAS User Group Charter:

The ATLAS User Group shall be formed from the members of the nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry and atomic physics community who are past, present, or potential users of the ATLAS facility. Its purpose is to provide a mechanism whereby the ATLAS users may advise and exchange information with the ANL Physics Division Director on matters relating to the development and operation of the facility.

An Executive Committee will be chosen from the membership. Four non-ANL members will be elected to two-year terms by the membership at large, and one non- voting ANL liaison member will be appointed by the Physics Division Director. The Committee will choose its own Chairperson from among the voting members. To provide continuity, the Chairperson will serve an additional term, but not as Chairperson, if the Chairperson served the full two-year term of office.

At least six months before the expiration of their term, the Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee whose charge will be to propose a slate of at least 4 candidates for the 3 elected positions on the Executive Committee. Written nominations signed by at least 6 members of the User Group shall also be accepted. An election must be held before December 1 of the second year of the term of office. The term of the Executive Committee shall begin on February 1 following its election from the membership.

If a vacancy arises on the Executive Committee, the Chairperson shall appoint a member of the User Group to serve out the unexpired term. In the event that the Chairperson's position becomes vacant, the members of the Committee shall appoint a new Chairperson, who will proceed as above.

Functions of the Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the ANL Physics Division Director, regarding policy on operation, development, and long-range planning of the ATLAS facility. It is expected that the Executive Committee shall meet with the Physics Division Director at ANL on a regular basis. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall also confer on a regular basis with the Chairperson of the ATLAS Program Advisory Committee on matters of general policy.

  2. On its own initiative the Conunittee may submit policy questions for consideration by the full membership. Issues raised by a majority of those present at an official meeting of the users must also be presented to the full membership.

  3. The Executive Committee will organize and direct an annual meeting of the User Group. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the fall meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society. In addition, the Executive Committee shall assist in arranging, as needed, ATLAS-related workshops at ANL.

  4. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee is an ex-officio voting member of the ATLAS Program Advisory Committee.

  5. The Argonne Liaison member will act as the Secretary of the Executive Committee, and will prepare reports, send out ballots, and facilitate communication between the Committee and the ANL Physics Division Director.

  6. Amendments to this Charter will be accomplished by a majority vote of ballots cast by the membership at large. Proposed changes may be submitted by petition to the Executive Committee.