About Us

Community Outreach

Updated September 22, 2007

NIAMS Health Partnership Program

Outside Organizations (NIAMS Coalition Members)

Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic

NIAMS Health Fairs and Exhibit Schedule

NIAMS Exhibits

NIAMS Curriculum Program

Picture of the front cover of the supplement materials.

In collaboration with the NIH Office of Science Education (OSE), the NIAMS has developed a curriculum supplement for 6th to 8th grade students called "Looking Good, Feeling Good: From the Inside Out (Exploring Bone, Muscle, and Skin)," which is now available. The purpose of this curriculum is to highlight NIAMS scientific research and to provide students with an opportunity to understand how the skin and muscle and bone systems contribute to health and well being. Printed copies are now available to order (FREE!) at http://science-education.nih.gov/customers.nsf/middleschool.htm. An interactive Web-based version is available.

NIAMS Office of Science and Technology

NIAMS Intramural Research Summer Student Program

NIAMS Adopted School Program

In addition to Woodrow Wilson Senior High School in Washington, D.C. - our NIAMS' Adopted School - we now participate in outreach activities with the Biosciences and Medicine Academy of Wheaton High School located in Wheaton, MD. Activities include: mentoring of students, judging projects entered into the annual Science Fair at Wilson High School, taking part in Groundhog Job Shadow Day (where students learn about jobs at NIAMS by walking through the workday as shadows to our employees), participation in Job Fairs and Career Days, and providing guest speakers for lunchtime seminars. For more information, or to suggest additional outreach activities, please contact Sharon Louis at (301) 496-0801 or louiss@mail.nih.gov.

Patient Representatives Group

This group enables NIAMS to get feedback on our programs from patients enrolled in our clinical research studies and from individuals interested in these programs. Contact Janet Austin at (301) 496-8190 or austinj@mail.nih.gov for more information.

NIAMS' Rheumatology Network

The NIAMS has initiated a new effort linking NIAMS and community rheumatologists: the NIAMS Rheumatology Network (NRN). The network focuses on education, research and communication, and is intended to benefit community doctors and the NIAMS intramural program at the same time. Among the activities of the NRN are meetings in which updates in the science and practice of rheumatology are presented by NIAMS investigators, new protocols and ongoing study findings are discussed, and clinical case discussions among community and NIAMS clinicians can be conducted. Another aspect of the program connects NIAMS rheumatology fellows with rheumatologists in the community, providing an opportunity to experience community practice in rheumatology.