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What's New - October 2007

President Nominates Ed Schafer for Secretary of Agriculture
Leader on agricultural issues during his eight years as the governor of North Dakota.  (10/31/07)
Statement by Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner
(USDA Radio News; 10/31/07 - real, mp3, wave)

House Ways and Means Committee Approves Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
Statement by Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner(10/31/07)
(USDA Radio News; 11/01/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Conner, Schwab to Lead Congressional Delegation Visit to Colombia (10/31/07)
(USDA Radio News; 10/25/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Transcript of Remarks by Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner to the U.S. Meat Export Federation (10/29/07)
Transcript of Media Briefing After Remarks

Public Invited To Observe World Trade Organization Dispute Proceedings on Bananas (USTR; 10/24/07)

U.S. Trade Representative Addresses U.S.-China Relations Conference (Transcript; USTR; 10/23/07)
— Chinese Consumers Demand U.S. Niche Food and Agricultural Products (USDA Radio News; 10/23/07 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA Takes Aggressive Actions To Combat E. Coli O157:H7 (FSIS; 10/23/07)
USDA Officials Discuss Actions To Protect Public Health From E. Coli 0157: H7 During Tele-News Conference (Transcript; 10/23/07)
— More Actions To Combat E. Coli Problems in Meat (USDA Radio News; 10/23/07 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA Radio Interviews Provincial Reconstruction Team Members in Iraq (USDA Radio News; 10/23/07 - real, mp3, wave)
— Helping Iraq To Develop Livestock Protection Systems (USDA Radio News; 10/23/07 - real, mp3, wave)
— Farming Near Baghdad (USDA Radio News; 10/23/07 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA Purchases Electronic ID Tags To Advance Animal Disease Control Capability (10/19/07)
— USDA Tag Purchase Means Unit Cost Savings, Compliance (USDA Radio News; 10/22/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Conner Disappointed By Latest WTO Ruling In U.S. Cotton Case (USDA Radio News; 10/17/07 - real, mp3, wave)

World Food Day Celebrated Oct. 16 (USDA Radio News; 10/15/07 - real, mp3, wave)
— Norman Borlaug Fellowships Increase (USDA Radio News; 10/17/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Latest U.S. Agricultural Trade Data (10/11/07)
— Ag Exports Surging Far Ahead of Forecasts (USDA Radio News; 10/12/07 - real, mp3, wave)

South Korea /U.S. Holding Beef Trade Talks (USDA Radio News; 10/11/07 - real, mp3, wave)

How Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) Has Affected World Poultry-Meat Trade (Economic Research Service: 10/10/07)

Status of Four FTAs And Impacts On U.S. Trade (USDA Radio News; 10/10/07 - real, mp3, wave)
— Colombia FTA Faces Obstacles To Approval (USDA Radio News; 10/10/07 - real, mp3, wave)

— Developing Nation Meeting Could Be Key To Doha Round Talks (USDA Radio News; 10/09/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Smaller Meetings May Shape Larger Doha Round Picture (USDA Radio News; 10/09/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Costa Rica Approves CAFTA-DR Referendum (10/08/07)

USDA Concludes Genetically Engineered Rice Investigation  (10/05/07)
Transcript of Technical Briefing

Statement by Acting Secretary Chuck Conner Regarding the Loss of a USDA Employee in Afghanistan (10/05/07)

U.S. Submits Notification of Domestic Agricultural Support Payments to World Trade Organization (10/04/07)
Transcript of Tele-News Conference With USTR Ambassador Joe Glauber, Chief Agricultural Negotiator Regarding Notification of Domestic Agricultural Support Payments to the World Trade Organization.- October 4, 2007
— U.S. Reports It Is In Full Compliance With WTO Rules (USDA Radio News; 10/05/07 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA Helping Iraqi Farmers (USDA Radio News; 10/03/07 - real, mp3, wave)
— Developing New Markets for Iraqi Farmers (USDA Radio News; 10/03/07 - real, mp3, wave)

U.S. Agricultural Exports Continue To Climb (USDA Video: 10/02/07 - windows)
Interview with FAS Associate Administrator Constance Jackson
FAS Analysis

Transcript of Remarks by Health And Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt and Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner at the Import Safety Working Group Public Meeting (10/01/07)
— Import Safety Working Group Hears Comment On Plan (USDA Radio News; 10/01/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Featured Reports
10/12  Australia Wheat: Dry September Reduces Production Prospects (.pdf)
10/12  Australian Wheat Exports Plummet (.pdf)
Growing Soybean Oil Price Raises Oil’s Contribution to Total Soybean Value (.pdf)

World Production, Market and Trade Reports
10/31  U.S. Planting Seed Trade
10/16  Dairy Monthly Import Circular
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
10/12  World Agricultural Production
10/12  Grain: World Markets and Trade

2007 Release Dates

Export Regulations
In Detail

Federal Register Notices

Extension for a currently approved information collection procedure for entry of specialty sugars into the United States
Extension for a currently approved information collection procedure for Sugar Import Licensing Programs
Notice of Request for Public Comments on the Review and Renegotiation of the United States-Israel Agreement on Trade in Agricultural Products
The Dairy Import Licensing Program, Proposed Rule
Adjustment of Appendices to the Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing Regulation for the 2007 Tariff-Rate Quota Year
Assessment of Fees for Dairy Import Licenses for the 2008 Tariff-Rate Import Quota Year
International Passport and Travel Tracking System
International Funds Control Reporting System
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Public Hearing (MAP)
Notice of a Request for a Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection (Export Sales)
Collection of Information Extension for Facility Guarantee Program (FGP)
Notice of Funds Availability; Inviting Applications for the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops Program
Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present. --
The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)
Hot Country Pages

USDA Calendar of Publications

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