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Johanns Backs Trade Promotion Authority (USDA Radio News; 02/28/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Officials Keep Working On Korean Beef Issue (USDA Radio News; 02/27/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Canadian Cattle Import Rule Not A Done Deal (USDA Radio News; 02/26/07 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA Announces $200 Million in International Assistance Under Two Programs
USDA Secretary Johanns announced plans for more than $200 million in international assistance under the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food for Progress and McGovern–Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition programs for fiscal year 2007. This assistance will provide more than 330,000 tons of agricultural commodities that will benefit 17 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. (02/22/07)

Transcript of Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns to the Washington International Trade Association (02/21/07)

FAS Administrator Yost Leading a Trade Mission to East Africa

“U.S. Export Sales” Report To Be Released on Friday, February 16, 2007
The weekly "U.S. Export Sales" report scheduled for release at 8:30 A.M. on Thursday, February 15, will be delayed until 8:30 A.M. on Friday, February 16, due to the weather. (02/14/07)

USDA Agricultural Projections to 2016 (Economic Research Service: 02/14/07)

Latest U.S. Agricultural Trade Data (Economic Research Service: 02/13/07)

Recent trade news features from USDA radio:
Russia’s Accession To WTO Is Slowing Down (USDA Radio News; 02/20/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Canada May Move Corn Consultations With U.S. To WTO (USDA Radio News; 02/16/07 - real, mp3, wave)
EU and Biotechnology Update (USDA Radio News; 02/16/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Both Beef And Pork Part Of U.S. Korean Talks (USDA Radio News; 02/16/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Push Continues To Fully Restore U.S. Beef Trade With Japan (USDA Radio News; 02/15/07 - real, mp3, wave)
U.S. Korea Wrap Up Seventh Round Of Free Trade Talks (USDA Radio News; 02/15/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Congress And Trade Promotion Authority (USDA Radio News; 02/15/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Direct Loan Payments And World Trade Rules (USDA Radio News; 02/13/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Balancing Act Underway Between Crops For Fuel, Food, Export (USDA Radio News; 02/13/07 - real, mp3)
Administration Wants Comprehensive TPA (USDA Radio News; 02/13/07 - real, mp3)
Corn Exports Unchanged Despite South American Competition (USDA Radio News; 02/13/07 - real, mp3)
Is Time Running Out For A New World Trade Agreement? (USDA Radio News; 02/12/07 - real, mp3, wave)
U.S. Korean Free Trade Talks Underway In Washington (USDA Radio News; 02/12/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Soybean Exports Face Competition From South America (USDA Radio News; 02/12/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Farming And Trade (USDA Radio News; 02/09/07 - real, mp3, wave)
No TPA, No Trade Deals (USDA Radio News; 02/09/07 - real, mp3, wave)
— U.S. Cotton Estimates Reflect Record Crop in China (USDA Radio News; 02/09/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Statement By Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns Regarding A New Detection Of BSE In Canada (02/08/07)
Another Canadian BSE Case Reported (USDA Radio News; 02/08/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Vietnam Coffee Production Challenging South America (USDA Radio News; 02/06/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Johanns Outlines President Bush's FY 2008 Agriculture Budget (02/05/07)
Transcript of Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns News Conference regarding USDA's FY 2008 Budget Request
USDA Proposes Fiscal Year 2008 Budget (USDA Radio News; 02/05/07 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA Selects Constance C. Jackson For Associate Administrator of the Foreign Agricultural Service (02/05/07)

Johanns Unveils 2007 Farm Bill Proposals (01/31/07)
FACT SHEET: USDA's 2007 Farm Bill Proposals
Farm Bill Proposals Power Point Presentation
VIDEO: Johanns Unveils 2007 Farm Bill Proposal
Title III:  Trade (.pdf)
Johanns Presents Farm Bill Proposal To Senate Ag Committee (USDA Radio News; 02/07/07 - real, mp3, wave)
— The Cotton Program and WTO
(USDA Radio News; 02/07/07 - real, mp3, wave)
USDA Rolls Out Its Proposed 2007 Farm Bill (USDA Radio News; 02/06/07 - real, mp3, wave)
USDA Hopes Direct Payments Under Farm Bill Proposal Are WTO Compliant (USDA Radio News; 02/01/07 - real, mp3, wave)
USDA Farm Bill Would Boost Specialty Crop Support (USDA Radio News; 01/31/07 - real, mp3, wave)
USDA's 2007 Farm Bill Web Site

Weaker Dollar Strengthens U.S. Agriculture (Economic Research Service; 02/01/07)

Featured Reports
02/28  Situation and Outlook for Citrus (.pdf)
02/09  Record South American Corn Supplies Boost Exports
02/09  Rising Coconut Oil Prices Foreshadow Tight Supplies in 2007 (.pdf)
02/09  Lack of January Rainfall Raises Concerns in South Africa’s Corn Belt (.pdf)

World Production, Market and Trade Reports
Dairy Monthly Imports
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
02/09  Grain: World Markets and Trade
02/09  Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
02/09  World Agricultural Production

2007 Release Dates

Export Regulations
In Detail

Federal Register Notices

USDA accepted a Trade Adjustment Assistance petition for Concord grape producers in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio
USDA accepted a Trade Adjustment Assistance petition for Michigan honey bee producers
USDA accepted a Trade Adjustment Assistance petition for Burley tobacco growers in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, and Missouri
USDA accepted a Trade Adjustment Assistance petition for California avocado producers
Washington and Michigan grape producers are no longer eligible for TAA benefits
Indiana fresh cut snapdragon producers are no longer eligible for TAA benefits
Florida avocado producers are no longer eligible for TAA benefits
Inviting Applications for the Quality Samples Program
Inviting Applications for the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops Program
Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present. -- The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)
Hot Country Pages

USDA Calendar of Publications

Previous Month Logs
February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | January

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