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Glenda Singleton

Superfund Basic Research Program

Picture of Glenda SingletonFormer SBRP-funded graduate student, Ms. Glenda Singleton, received her MS in Forest Resources from the College of Forest Resources at the University of Washington, Seattle.

Her thesis work was done under the mentorship of Dr. Sharon L. Doty, and focused on the genetic analysis of transgenic poplars for enhanced phytoremediation. Ms. Singleton actively participated in the UW SBRP-funded project, Phytoremediation of Organic Pollutants Using Transgenic Plants ( ram_detail.cfm?Project_ID=P42ES46960102) led by Dr. Stuart E. Strand. The project focuses on genetically modified poplar trees and their ability to uptake and degrade toxins to clean-up hazardous waste sites.

The culmination of Ms. Singleton's SBRP research and thesis work added significant value to her contribution as co-author of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) publication, Enhanced phytoremediation of volatile environmental pollutants with transgenic trees ( ract) Exit NIEHS Website (2007) (DOI:10.1073/pnas.0703276104). In September 2008, Dr. Strand presented some of Singleton's research at the 4th European Bioremediation Conference in the talk titled, "Phytoremediation of Sites Contaminated with Organics."

Following her March 2008 graduation, Ms. Singleton accepted the role of physical scientist position at the United States Geological Survey, Reston Stable Isotopic Laboratory in northern Virginia. In this capacity, Ms. Singleton uses her SBRP experience with gas chromatography to work with GC-Mass spectrometers and Thermal Combustion-Elemental Analyzers. Her SBRP-funded research has prepared her for her current work project, which is looking into the isotopic compositions of the threatened species, the Madison Cave isopod, and the isotopic compositions of their environment.

Ms. Singleton attributes her confidence in her research with her UW SBRP experience. Through the Program, she was able to interact with like-minded students and experts in her field, while gaining experience in asking questions, learning from others, and explaining her research.

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Last Reviewed: September 11, 2008