NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division  
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SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change

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2002 Field Programs at ETL

Bay Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (BRACE)

BRACE Program Site

A study by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to measure the amount of airborne nitrogen reaching the waters of Tampa Bay. Excess nitrogen is harmful to the estuary as it increases algae growth and decreases the sunlight available to seagrasses and aquatic plants essential to that ecosystem.


Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX) 2002

CLPX 2002 examines the terrestrial cryosphere - cold areas of the Earth's land surface where water is frozen either seasonally or permanently. These areas have a significant impact on global water, energy, and biogeochemical cycles as well as human and economic concequences.



The interaction of clouds with the rest of the Earth's climate system poses a major uncertainty in understanding and predicting global climate change. It is the objective of the CRYSTAL-FACE program to better understand the physical properties of tropical cirrus clouds and their formative processes. ETL is deploying the NOAA Portable Cloud Observatory to the Miami, Florida area, to provide detailed profiles of the physical properties of clouds during the July experiment.


International H2O Project (IHOP_2002)

IHOP Program Site

The IHOP 2002 is a field experiment to improve the characterization of the four-dimensional (4-D) distribution of water vapor and its application to improving the understanding and prediction of convection.


International Transport and Chemical Transformation (ITCT)

ITCT is a coordinated international research program to address the question, "how does the transport of chemicals from one continent influence the air quality in other continents, as well as regional and global climate?" With increasing evidence that pollutants can be detected at great distances from their sources, ITCT will further the scientific understanding of the consequences of the global transport of pollution both for air quality and for climate. ETL will be participating with the development of a new airborne aerosol lidar to detect aerosol/pollution layers in the mid and upper troposphere and provide guidance for in-situ measurements.


New England Air Quality Study

NEAQS research will deliver sound science leading to an improved understanding of processes that influence air pollution in New England. This research will be an integral part of efforts to develop the tools needed to provide reliable air quality forecasts. The New England area will be an initial test bed for the proposed air quality forecasting system. The results of this research will also be incorporated into ongoing efforts to provide policy relevant information in a timely and user-friendly manner to environmental decisionmakers.


New England Temperature-Air Quality Pilot Study

A pilot study focused on improving current capabilities for forecasting severe weather in the New England region. Improvements in forcasting both temperature and air quality for the region can increase the efficiency of energy generation by power companies and allow them to better manage air pollutants discharged from power plants.


Pacific Jet Experiment (PACJET)

PACJET is a multi-year program examining Pacific Coast storms with an emphasis on developing research products for operational use.


Soil Moisture Experiment 2002 (SMEX02)

SMEX02 is part of a continuing series of experiments supporting the development and implementation of a global soil moisture observing system. These observations are critical to a better understanding of the global water cycle, regional resource management and improved hydrological hazards forecasting.


Steller's Sea Lion Study

Steller's sea lion in Alaska is in decline in the western part of its range. To ensure the survival of the species throughout its habitat, a research effort is underway to find reasons for this decline. Climate change and overfishing are two of the hypotheses that have been put forward. The NOAA Fish Lidar is being used as part of an integrated survey design to investigate these hypotheses.

Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Science Division (PSD)
Environmental Technology Laboratory

325 Broadway R/ETL
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328

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New England Air Quality Study - Northeastern U.S. New England Air Quality and Temperature Forecasting Pilot Study - Northeastern U.S. CRYSTAL-FACE - Florida Bay Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment - Tampa Bay International H2O Project - Midwest Region Soil Moisture Experiment - Midwest Region International Transport and Chemical Transformation - West Coast Pacific Jets Experiment - West Coast Steller's Sea Lion Study - Alaska Cold Land Processes Experiment - Colorado