The FXT library: Fast transforms and low level algorithms

Here you find

The FXT library

Latest FXT version: fxt-2008.08.31.tgz (approx. 1100kB), distributed under the GPL.

Here are a some (well, more than 250) demos.

Much of the low level bit-magic code is shown on the bit wizardry page.

Read the short description, the Linux Software Map (LSM) file fxt.lsm

Generated doc-oids:
aux0-doc.txt auxiliary routines
aux1-doc.txt auxiliary routines for 1-dim arrays
aux2-doc.txt auxiliary routines for 2-dim arrays
bits-doc.txt bit wizardry
bpol-doc.txt binary polynomials and arithmetic over GF(2**n)
comb-doc.txt combinatorics (combinations, partitions etc.)
convolution-doc.txt convolution
mult-doc.txt multiplication of large numbers
correlation-doc.txt correlation
dctdst-doc.txt cosine and sine transforms
ds-doc.txt data structures (FIFO, heap etc.)
fft-doc.txt fast Fourier transforms
realfft-doc.txt real valued FFTs
fht-doc.txt fast Hartley transforms
walsh-doc.txt Walsh transforms
haar-doc.txt Haar transforms
mod-doc.txt modular arithmetics and number theory
ntt.h-doc.txt number theoretic transforms
perm-doc.txt permutations
sort-doc.txt sorting and searching
data-doc.txt tables of mathematical data. The tables can also be accessed via the mathdata page.
generated index of all docs

The steadily growing "Algorithms for programmers" text (the fxtbook)

This is the (work in progress) book "Algorithms for programmers". Publication is planned for the year 2008. Your feedback is appreciated (note that you can copy and paste from the dvi and the pdf). Please give the draft version (the date given at the bottom of almost all pages) with your feedback!

The table of contents as text file (generated from dvi): fxtbook-toc.txt (UTF-8 text)
The change log: fxtbook-changes.txt (ascii text)
fxtbook.dvi.gz (dvi, about 1350kB). (postscript, about 1900kB).
fxtbook.pdf.gz (pdf, about 3000kB).
Last update: 2008-September-09 (22:24)
fxtbook.pdf (UNCOMPRESSED pdf, about 4800kB)
The index as text file (generated from dvi): fxtbook-idx.txt (UTF-8 text).
List of referenced integer sequences from the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) as text file (generated from dvi): fxtbook-oeisref.txt (ascii text).

If you want to set a link to the fxtbook please use instead of directly linking to one of the files (e.g. fxtbook.pdf).

An excellent source of FFT- and DSP- related papers is CiteSeer

Your feedback is appreciated.
Jörg Arndt

Last modified 2008-September-09 (22:24)
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