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Biological Assessment of Wetlands Workgroup

The Biological Assessment of Wetlands Work Group (BAWWG) was formed in 1997 with the objective of improving methods and programs to evaluate the biological integrity of wetlands. BAWWG disbanded in 2002 after achieving their objective, largely through the publication of the "Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition" Modules. They were also responsible for much of what is contained in these wetland bioassessment web pages including the publication of introductory fact sheets, interactive databases, and comprehensive literature searches (available at all providing invaluable tools to assist the wetland bioassessment practitioner to develop their programs. This body of work was accomplished by the dedicated involvement of 36 federal, state and academic scientists from around the country (see list below) through eight meetings, several conference calls and the innumerable person-to-person contacts that a group like this makes possible. BAWWG members will continue their critical scientific and technical contributions as participants in EPA's newly formed National Wetland Monitoring Workgroup.

The New England Biological Assessment of Wetlands Work Group (NEBAWWG) was formed out of BAWWG in 1998 and continues to operate in EPA's Northeast Region.

Many people participated in BAWWG meetings over the years, but the following list of people includes the core BAWWG members who dedicated a considerable amount of time to advancing the goals of the workgroup.

Paul Adamus, Oregon State University
Bill Ainslee, U.S. EPA, Region 4
Randy Apfelbeck, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Rob Brooks, Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center
Mark Brown, University of Florida, Center for Wetlands
Tom Danielson, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Jeanne DiFranco, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Naomi Detenbeck, U.S. EPA, Ecology Division
Mike Ell, North Dakota Department of Health
Sue Elston, U.S. EPA, Region 5
Chris Faulkner, U.S. EPA, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds
Russ Frydenborg, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Mark Gernes, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Mike Gray, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Judy Helgen, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Denice Heller-Wardrop, Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center
Doug Hoskins, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
Susan Jackson, U.S. EPA, Office of Science and Technology
James Karr, University of Washington
Ryan King, Smithsonian Natural Resource Center
Don Kirby, North Dakota State University
Peter Lowe, USGS Biological Resources Division
John Mack, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Ellen McCarron, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Mick Micacchion, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Ashley O'Neal, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Steve Pugh, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District
Klaus Richter, King County Department of Natural Resources, Washington
Matt Schweisberg, U.S. EPA, Region 1
Don Sparling, USGS Biological Resources Division
Art Spingarn, U.S. EPA Region 3
Jan Stevenson, Michigan State University
Linda Storm, U.S. EPA, Region 10
Rich Sumner, U.S. EPA, Environmental Research Laboratory
Billy Teels, NRCS Wetlands Science Institute
Doreen Vetter, U.S. EPA, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds



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