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Voyage To Inner Space - Exploring the Seas With NOAA Collect
Catalog of Images

3400 thumbnail picture
Polyhedral fish trap system with recovery buoy in upper left. Height, 1.46 meters; width, 0.83 meters; length, 1.74 meters. Plate II, figure 5. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 84.
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Prince Albert's ships, figure 6 - the HIRONDELLE; Figure 10 - PRINCESS ALICE II; figure 11 - PRINCESS ALICE; figure 13 - the HIRONDELLE II. Figure 7 - a weighted barrel float. Figures 8 and 9, the dynanometer with springs in an enclosed frame. Plate III. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 84.
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The HIRONDELLE. Plate III, figure 6. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 84.
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The PRINCESS ALICE II. Plate III, figure 10. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 84.
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The PRINCESS ALICE. Plate III, figure 11. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 84.
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The HIRONDELLE II. Plate III, figure 13. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 84.
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PRINCESS ALICE sounding machine. The mechanic Le Tac is behind the sounding wire reel. Dr. Richard looks at the counter which registers the depth reached. Plate I print 13. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
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The laboratory on the PRINCESS ALICE. Left to right: M. L. Tinayre, artist; Dr. Portier; Dr. J. Richard. Plate II, print 19. In: "Results of the Scientific Campaigns of the Prince of Monaco." Vol. 89.
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Description not available.
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Description not available.
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The Gulf Stream by Athanasius Kircher. From "Mundus Subterraneus"
North Atlantic Ocean 1678
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Atlantic currents by Happelius. From "Relationes Curiosae"
Atlantic Ocean 1685
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The Gulf Stream by Benjamin Franklin
North Atlantic Ocean 1782?
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The Gulf Stream by Governor Pownall
North Atlantic Ocean 1787
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The Gulf Stream by Jonathan Williams
North Atlantic Ocean 1799
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The Gulf Stream by Major James Rennell
North Atlantic Ocean 1832
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The Gulf Stream
North Atlantic Ocean
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The Gulf Stream by the Coast Survey. Based on a series of studies beginning in 1845. The Coast Survey established a number of sections for repeated observations. The first systematic oceanographic studies of the Gulf Stream. Integrated oceanography, marine geology, and meteorology into these cruises
North Atlantic Ocean 1845-1860
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Steam winch with steel wire. Steel wire for deepsea dredging was first used on the BLAKE. This innovation was the result of collaboration between Charles D. Sigsbee and Alexander Agassiz. It was Agassiz's idea to replace hemp rope with steel cable mining technology. In: "Deep-Sea Sounding and Dredging", by Charles D. Sigsbee. 1880. Plate 30, p. 152. Call Number GC75 .S53.
North Atlantic Ocean 1885?
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Sigsbee Sounding Machine - invented by Charles D. Sigsbee and modified from Thomson Sounding Machine. Basic design of ocean sounding instruments stayed the same for the next 50 years. Here the sounding machine is used to set a Pillsbury current meter at a known depth. In: "The Gulf Stream", by John Elliott Pillsbury, 1891. Call Number GC296.G9 P54 1891.
Washington Navy Yard 1880?
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The Pillsbury Current Meter which was invented by John Elliott Pillsbury. This instrument was used in Gulf Stream studies. In: "The Gulf Stream" by John Elliott Pillsbury, 1891. Call Number GC296.G9 P54 1891.
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Current meter. In: "The Gulf Stream", by John Elliott Pillsbury, 1891. Call Number GC296.G9 P54 1891.
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Diagram of possible sound wave paths in water. Wave-path O-C-E came close to describing refractive path of sound in SOFAR layer . Sound path model developed in 1930's for radio acoustic ranging work. Didn't yet understand the channeling effect of the velocity minimum. Furthest RAR use was out to 206 miles offshore in 1925
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Stations used by Maurice Ewing in 1st offshore seismic reflection experiment. Conducted on board C&GS Ship OCEANOGRAPHER. Helped prove feasibility of measuring depth to basement rock from a ship. Work done with C&GS because of radio acoustic ranging experience. The beginning of offshore geophysical exploration
Chesapeake Bay entrance 1935
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Ewing marine camera photo of bottom on continental shelf. Camera deployed from C&GS ship BOWEN. Inshore oceanographic studies
Offshore Delaware Bay area 1952
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Piston coring device deployed from C&GS ship BOWEN. Inshore oceanographic studies
Offshore Delaware Bay area 1952
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Paulson pipe dredge deployed from C&GS Ship PATHFINDER.
Northeast Pacific 1958
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Dredging operations on the EXPLORER. Seattle to Norfolk trip 1960 marked renaissance of oceanography in C&GS. Under direction of Dr. Harris B. Stewart
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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C&GS Ship PIONEER under Golden Gate Bridge. Magnetometer invented at Scripps deployed on this ship in late 1950's. Surveys from Pt. Conception to Cape Flattery discovered magnetic striping. Magnetic striping led to Theory of Seafloor Spreading. H. W. Menard called "among most significant geophysical surveys ever made"
San Francisco
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Early magnetic profiles from PIONEER surveys. Shows repeating pattern and offset at Mendocino Fracture Zone. Serendipitous that survey lines primarily east-west. Otherwise magnetic striping would not have showed clearly
Mendocino Fracture Zone, Northeast Pacific 1959?
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Dredge haul on EXPLORER. Thongs are asking for crushed foot
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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Fluxgate Magnetometer on deck of PIONEER. Believe same instrument used on late 1950's surveys
Northern California coast 1960
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High-speed Nekton tow off of EXPLORER. Seattle to Norfolk trip also integrated biological studies
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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Angelo Ferrara operating velocimeter. Instrument to measure velocity of sound in water
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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Angelo Ferrara operating winch for velocimeter. Instrument to measure velocity of sound in water
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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Deploying Fluxgate magnetometer on EXPLORER.
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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Deploying Fluxgate magnetometer on EXPLORER. Harris B. Stewart in black shirt
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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Deploying Fluxgate magnetometer on EXPLORER. Harris B. Stewart in black shirt
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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Deploying Shipek camera on EXPLORER. Harris B. Stewart in black shirt. Believe Carl Shipek on left
In transit, Seattle to Norfolk, Virginia 1960
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V. Ralph Sobieralski checking Precision Depth Recorder. On PIONEER during Kwajalein Island cable route survey.
Tropical Pacific 1960
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Test of V-fin thumper in water used for bottom penetration acoustics. Provided continuous sub-bottom profile. Off of EXPLORER
SE of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 1961
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Deploying V-fin thumper during test. Provided continuous sub-bottom profile. Off of EXPLORER
SE of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 1961
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Deep ocean bottom photograph. Off of EXPLORER
SE of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 1961
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Deep ocean bottom photograph
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Deploying Nansen cast from PATHFINDER
North Pacific 1961
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Oceanographic laboratory on the PIONEER. Harley D. Nygren on right. On early ocean mapping project - Hawaii to Aleutians
North Pacific 1961
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Harley D. Nygren with Nansen bottle on the PIONEER. On early ocean mapping project - Hawaii to Aleutians
North Pacific 1961
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Deploying bottom mounted gravity meter off of BOWIE. Establishing gravity range for calibration of underway gravity meters
Off San Francisco, California 1962
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Deepsea bottom photograph off of EXPLORER. Test of camera system
SE of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts 1961
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Feasibility studies for potential nuclear waste dump site. Conducted for Atomic Energy Commission
Off New Jersey coast 1961

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007