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Voyage To Inner Space - Exploring the Seas With NOAA Collect
Catalog of Images

2050 thumbnail picture
Coral reef chasm frames underwater photographer.
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Diver with scooter confronts a goosefish.
New England 1976 May
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Perry wet sub and mobile habitat (MOHAB) off Lee Stocking Island.
Bahamas, Lee Stocking Island
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French angelfish looks larger than observing diver.
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Diver deploys respiration bubbles over coral heads.
1970 September
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Diver with rebreather and heated dry suit prepares to descend into the ice.
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Divers are able to collect rock cores from vertical walls on a coral reef.
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Divers test rebreathers which are useful for extending bottom time.
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Diver with a full face mask and underwater radio observes large vase sponge.
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Ending the dive-- ascending to the sunlight.
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Surface supply delivers unlimited air to the divers, but keeps them on a leash.
1984 June
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Diving bell serves as a transport and refuge for divers.
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Dive bell equipped with compressed air allows divers to decompress underwater.
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Dive bells provide a stable mid-water station for air,and communications.
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Clear dome in this bell allows scientists to record observations in midwater.
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In the air-filled bell dome, divers can talk to each other and the surface.
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Stable on the pool bottom, a bell bobs when hanging from a pitching ship.
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NURC at UNCW's dive bell deployed from the R/V Seahawk.
1984 July
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A dive bell support ship must be in a multi-point mooring to avoid dragging.
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Surface supplied air is used in polluted water to avoid contact or ingest.
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Compared to old hard hat diver, Exo mask diver doesn't need lead boots.
1988 June
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A dome for talking to the surface and other divers. It is called a personal talk station or PTS.
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Early hard hats were heavy in air, but buoyant underwater.
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Surface-supply and dive bells greatly extend the time divers could stay down.
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NURP dive bell used in the 1980s-- scientists prefer the freedom.of scuba.
North Carolina 1984 July
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Umbilical diving through the ice provides a safety line back to the hole.
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J. Peress' 1-atm dive suit, Tritonia, explored the Lusitania wreck in 1935. Jim Jarrett was Peress's chief diver and made this dive to 312 feet. This suit was a precursor to the "Jim" suit, named for Jim Jarrett.
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New bubble helmets popular for TV-- speech is clear and face is visible.
Florida Keys 1996 May
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Pre-dive check list ensures safety of bell dive operations.
North Carolina
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Perry ROV uses a "garage" to hold its umbilical.
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Harbor Branch Oceanographic's SCOOP is used as a safety backup for subs.
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Some manipulator arms have tactile feedback and can handle delicate items.
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NURP's Hawaii center operates an RCV-150 as a safety system for its sub.
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Manipulator arms with tactile feedback are especially useful for science.
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NURP1 MiniROVer's fresnel lens used for counting particles and plankton.
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Deploying the PHANTOM S2 through ice in Antarctica.
Antarctica, McMurdo Sound
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PHANTOM 300 guided by diver records a stalagmite in a cave in the Bahamas.
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PHANTOM S2 working hard bottom reef in the Gulf of Farallons Sanctuary.
California, Gulf of Farallons
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VENTANA operated by the Monterey Bay Research Institute.
California, Moss Landing

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007