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Pennsylvania office of USDA-NASS


NOTE: These documents are in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). If you need the Acrobat Reader, it is available for free from the Adobe web site.


  Front cover - Farmily Fun Activity Book
  Inside front cover - Materials on the Internet
  Page 1 - Introduction
  Page 2 - Farm Scramble
  Page 3 - Barynyard Fun
  Page 4 - Color the fruits
  Page 5 - Make a Graph!
  Page 6 - Got Milk?
  Page 7 - Crossword Puzzle
  Page 8 - Fruit and Vegetables
  Page 9 - Taking a Survey
  Page 10 - Count the Chicks
  Page 11 - Matching
  Page 12 - Connect the Dots
  Page 13 - Make an Animal Puppet !
  Page 14 - It's Feeding Time
  Page 15 - How Many Words ?
  Page 16 - Computer Kool !
  Page 17 - Scrambled !
  Page 18 - Stanley Statistician
  Page 19 - Farmers' Markets
  Page 20 - Kids Jokes
  Page 21 - Kids Jokes, continued
  Pages 22, 23, 24 - Farm Quiz
  Page 25 - Trivia Quiz
  Page 26 - Color the farm
  Page 27 - Don't Grain on My Parade - Word find
  Page 28 - First Letter Game
  Page 29 - Circle or Square
  Page 30 - Did 'ya know?
  Page 31 - Cheese Qwiz
  Page 32 - Draw a Crop
  Page 33 - Homemade Butter
  Page 34 - Answer Key
  Page 35 - Answer Key, continued
  Page 36 - Answer Key, continued
  Inside back cover - Marketplace for the Mind
  Outside back cover - Thank you PA farmers
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
In Pennsylvania Email or call
(717) 787-3904.

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