Reporting forms

FR 2886b

Consolidated Report of Condition and Income for Edge and Agreement Corporations

Description: This report collects financial data from banking Edge and agreement corporations and from nonbanking Edge and agreement corporations in the form of a balance sheet and accompanying memorandum items, supporting schedules, and income statement.

OMB: 7100-0086

Purpose: The data are used for supervisory, regulatory, and monetary policy purposes.

Background: This report, collected since 1972, monitors the growth and activity of Edge and agreement corporations. In 1984, it was enhanced to resemble the commercial bank Report of Condition. In March 1991, the reporting frequency of the income schedule for both banking and nonbanking Edge and agreement corporations changed from annual to quarterly. At the same time, nonbanking Edge and agreement corporations and their domestic branches were required to file their balance sheet quarterly. In 1994, the collection of all branch activities of both banking and investment Edge corporations (domestic and foreign) was consolidated into one report filed on a quarterly basis. Also at that time, a schedule was added to collect significant items on a branch basis. In 1997, the report was changed to a fully consolidated basis (consolidation of all subsidiaries of the corporation, not just the branch operations). In addition, several line items were added or revised.

Respondent Panel: The panel consists of Edge and agreement corporations organized under section 25 or 25A of the Federal Reserve Act. Participation is required.

Frequency: Each head office files quarterly as of the last calendar day of March, June, September, and December.

Public Release: Aggregate data from this report are included in several Federal Reserve statistical releases: the weekly H.6 release, "Money Stock and Debt Measures," the weekly H.8 release, "Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States," and the quarterly Z.1 release, "Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States," ( and in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Some microdata are confidential.

Last update: March 26, 2008