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    The weight (biomass) of a group of fish necessary to produce maximum sustainable yield (MSY).
    A virus that invades and destroys ("eats") host bacteria
    a fleshy, flap like or whisker like appendage (very small and hard to see on some minnows) found near the mouth. Used as a sensory organ. A good example is on the shovelnose sturgeon.
Bathypelagic Zone
    The zone of the ocean that extends from 1000m to 4000m below the surface of the ocean. Visit the Bathypelagic Zone on OceanLink for pictures and cool facts about life at this depth.
    British Columbia (Canada)
    British Columbia Salmon Aquaculture Review
    British Columbia Salmon Growers Association (Canada)
    Refers to organisms that live on or in the ocean floor.
Benthic Invertebrate
    An animal, such as a mollusk, with no spinal column that lives on the ocean floor.
Bimodal distribution
    Indicating two length groups within which individuals are most abundant, possibly with other less abundant length groups around them.
    The variation in life on Earth reflected at all levels, from various ecosystems and species, to the genetic variation within a species. See also ecosystem diversity, species diversity, genetic diversity.
    Meaning living (bio) light (luminescence) is the light produced by living organisms and the emission of such biologically produced light. Also commonly referred to as "phosphorescence". For more info, visit the Salty Science Algae Page.
Biotic Factor
    A living component of the environment which arises from and affects living organisms (distinct from physical factors). For example, the interaction between predators and prey is a biotic interaction. Compare abiotic factor.
    Neuro-poisons that can cause illness or death in humans and animals that consume products from the sea.
    Bacterial kidney disease.
    Traditional name for the killer whale
    Best Management Practice
    The weight (biomass) of a group of fish necessary to produce maximum sustainable yield (MSY).
Body depth
    the greatest vertical distance between the midline of the back and the midline of the belly, the "height" of the fish.
Body width
    the greatest distance from one side of the body to the other.
    A group of mature fish that is kept separate and used for producing fry.
    Biological Review Team.

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last modified 12/18/2007

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