Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated
CGC Katherine Walker underway in harbor

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Katherine Walker Working a BuoyKATHERINE WALKER's primary mission is maintaining over 300 floating aids to navigation in & around New York harbor & its approaches, Long Island Sound, the Hudson & East Rivers, & other waters along the Connecticut, New York, & New Jersey coastlines. As the Coast Guard's premier maritime command & control platform in the tri-state region Katherine Walker is used extensively for International and Homeland Security operations as well as other high profile missions including the Macy's July Fourth Fireworks & Fleet Week. KW also performs Search & Rescue, Ice Breaking, & Environmental Response & Protection.

85 Port Terminal Blvd, Slip 5
Bayonne, NJ 07003
INPORT: (201) 443-5311   
U/W CELL: (201) 522-1582
Last Modified 8/29/2008