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Client Success Stories

PNNL shares in many exciting successes with its clients. Out of respect for our clients' privacy, we can share only a small sample of these collaborations. We thank these customers for allowing us to share the following commercial success stories.

Licensed to kill — metal contaminants

A nanomaterial designed to capture and remove mercury and other toxic substances from waste streams has been licensed for commercial use. Full story...

Unique partnership brings new cancer treatment to life

IsoRay is a company that started as a good idea and, in less than a decade, has grown into a publicly traded company. “IsoRay literally started in Lane Bray’s basement, with about three employees,” said Larry Greenwood, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory technical lead for the IsoRay project. Full story...

Research Investment in PNNL Technology Pays Big for Chicago Firm

A chance meeting in Vienna, Austria led to one of the most successful relationships between Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and industry. Full story...

Food processor recovers product losses with PNNL invention

With the French fry reigning as one of the world’s most popular foods, food processors are mass-producing them with the latest in processing technology. Cutting mechanisms, while excellent for reducing operating costs and improving end-product consistency, also represent an enormous opportunity for waste when a single blade is damaged. In one hour, a broken blade can reduce 80,000 pounds of prime potatoes into truckloads of defective strips the manufacturer often must pay to have removed for animal feed. The remaining potato sludge adds to the plant’s waste processing burden. Full story...

PNNL technology helps take fashion forward

The U.S. apparel market loses tens of billions of dollars per year to markdowns, returns and alterations. Philadelphia-based entrepreneur, Intellifit Corporation, went shopping for a technology solution to inexpensively solve a large part of this problem for apparel retailers, manufacturers, and the consumers who are buying and returning their clothing. Full story...

PNNL technology shapes new generation of security tools

Twenty years ago, the average person gave little or no thought to their personal safety while attending a live concert or riding the subway. Following 9/11 that all changed, and government – and industry – took immediate action to protect citizens from and prevent future terrorist events. Full story...

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Battelle Ventures