Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) Center
of NOAA's Undersea Research Program
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers University


Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) Center

NOAA's Undersea Research Program

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View the Request for 2008-2009 Demonstration and Development Proposals.


The Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) National Undersea Research Center, administered by the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences (IMCS) at Rutgers University and the Marine Sciences Research Center at Stony Brook University was established in 1992 following a regional competition. Geographically, the MAB Center supports research in waters of the Mid-Atlantic Region (New York Bight south of Long Island to and including the Chesapeake Bay).

The primary goal of the MAB Center is to improve our knowledge of the processes governing change and stability in the Mid-Atlantic Region at spatial and temporal scale not attainable with conventional oceanographic techniques. The broad goal is being pursued through long-term objectives developed at an initial science workshop that provided research priorities for the MAB Center. These objectives respond directly to science priorities in thematic areas that guide the NOAA/NURP program, and highlight the need for long-term studies to distinguish natural from anthropogenic changes in the environment. The MAB Center provides undersea research platforms with an emphasis on the LEO-15 Observatory (see below) and associated sensors, a REMUS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), and other vehicles such as gliders, in order to address research questions at a range of scales. Access to submersibles and remotely operated vehicles [ROVs] can also be provided and a highly skilled SCUBA dive team is also available.

The Center has established a Long-term Ecosystem Observatory (LEO) at an inner shelf site (15 meter depth) located directly offshore of the Rutgers University Marine Field Station at Tuckerton, NJ (LEO-15). LEO-15 provides long-term ocean observations and will help to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic changes in the marine environment. This LEO serves as a core element of a shelf-wide ocean observation network that will increase our understanding of episodic events (such as storms, upwelling and hypoxia) that are poorly studied by conventional methods.

Last Updated: 5/06/2008

  Mid-Atlantic Bight Center of NOAA's Undersea Research Program
©2002 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
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