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October 2004
Text bullet USDA Grants Trade Adjustment Assistance To Washington Salmon Fishermen
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service has recertified a petition for Washington salmon fishermen under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for farmers program. These fishermen are now eligible to apply for TAA benefits. (10/27/04)
Text bullet USDA Announces Taiwan to Resume U.S. Beef Trade
Taiwan to resume imports of U.S. beef and beef products. A delegation of Taiwan experts will now travel to the United States for on-site inspection of the major features and implementation of the U.S. BSE measures beginning November 10.  (10/26/04)
Text bullet U.S. - Japanese Officials Conclude Agreement for Resumption of Beef Trade
U.S. and Japanese officials in Tokyo reached a framework agreement that will permit the resumption of beef trade between the two countries following a ten-month interruption. (10/23/04)
--  Statement By Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Regarding Resumption of Beef Trade with Japan
--  Questions and Answers Concerning U.S.- Japan Beef Trade Agreement
--  Joint Press Statement For The Resumption Of Trade In Beef And Beef Products by the Government of United States and the Government of the Japan
--  Transcript of J.B. Penn, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services- Press Briefing - U.S. Embassy, Tokyo, Japan
Text bullet The Fourth Japan-U.S. Consultation on the BSE Issue
On October 21 and 22, 2004, the Government of Japan and the United States Government will hold a consultation in Tokyo (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) on the BSE issue. (10/19/04)
Text bullet Veneman Marks World Food Day By Pledging Increased Attention To Hunger, Biodiversity
The day is observed every year in recognition of the founding of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (10/16/04)
Transcript of Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman, As Prepared, World Food Day Teleconference
Text bullet Agriculture Secretary Veneman to Participate in Annual World Food Day Telecast Event
The event is observed every year in recognition of the founding of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This year’s teleconference, "Politics of Hunger: What’s at Stake?" focuses on the political dimensions of decision-making regarding food security and how resources are allocated.
  --  View live telecast of this event starting at 12:00 pm EDT (Courtesy of South Carolina Educational Television) (10/14/04)
Text bullet USDA Grants Assistance To Alaska Salmon Fishermen Under Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service has recertified a petition for Alaska salmon fishermen under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for farmers program. These fishermen are now eligible to apply for TAA benefits. (10/07/04)
Text bullet USDA Announces $4.8 Billion In Initial Export Credit Guarantees
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service today announced initial allocations of nearly $4.8 billion under USDA’s export credit guarantee programs for fiscal year 2005, which began Oct. 1. These allocations cover sales of U.S. agricultural commodities to 23 countries and regions. (10/04/04)
Text bullet

USDA Issues Regulatory Action on Mandatory Country of Origin
Labeling for Fish and Shellfish

Interim final rule (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) outlines requirements for labeling covered commodities while reducing recordkeeping retention requirements for suppliers and centrally located retail records as well as reducing the time during which store level records must be made available. (09/30/04)
Appendix A - [Text]
-- Talking Points on Interim Final Rule
-- Questions and Answers
-- Examples of records that may be useful for COOL verification purposes
Text bullet Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Addresses the Forum Brazil Luncheon
The event, sponsored by the United States Chamber of Commerce, focused on several aspects of U.S.-Brazil trade. (09/23/04)
Text bullet President Lifts U.S. Sanctions Against Libya
Libya is now fully eligible for USDA export promotion, export credit guarantees, and export assistance programs. Libya currently imports $1.2 billion a year in agricultural products to feed its population of roughly 5 million – primarily wheat, wheat flour, corn, rice, vegetable oil, and dairy products.  (09/20/04)
-- More information from USDA
-- Message to the Congress of the United States

-- Memorandum for the Secretary of the Treasury
-- Memorandum for the Secretary of the State, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce
-- Statement by the White House Press Secretary
Text bullet Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Addresses African Trade and Investment Symposium
The Secretary's speech to the AfriCANDO symposium stressed the importance of agricultural science, technology and research as tools for African development. (09/20/04)
Text bullet USDA Announces DEIP Allocations for 2004/05
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced new one-year allocations under the Dairy Export Incentive Program (DEIP) June-July 2004/5 year. (09/17/04)
Text bullet World Trade Organization Panel Issues Mixed Verdict in Cotton Case
The WTO panel examined Brazil's challenges to several types of U.S. agricultural support measures, including support for cotton farmers. The United States, which successfully defended decoupled payments from "serious prejudice" claims, has announced its intention to appeal aspects of the report. (09/08/04)
-- Dispelling Myths About U.S. Support to Cotton Farmers (USTR fact sheet; 09/08/04)
-- WTO report (09/08/04; available in MS Word and PDF formats)
Text bullet Peru Receives $6 Million P.L. 480 Purchase Authorization For U.S. Wheat
  The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that an authorization was issued to Peru to purchase $6 million of U.S. wheat under Public Law 480,
Title I. (09/07/04)
Text bullet USDA Signs P.L. 480, Title 1, Agreement with Peru
  The agreement provides $6 million for the sale of approximately 36,600 metric tons of wheat.  (08/31/04)
bullet Featured Reports

10/22  Ukraine: 2004 Corn Output Will Hinge on Harvest Weather
Argentina: 2004/05 Corn Production Forecast to Rise by 20 Percent
EU-25: Crop Travel Verifies Record Yields in Central Europe
Trends in U.S. and World Lobster Production, Imports and Exports
Black Sea Region Grain Exports Rebound
10/13  Indian Mill Use and Production Hit Records
10/12  Russia and Ukraine: Winter Grains Conditions
South Africa: Final 2003/04 Corn Estimate
10/12  South Africa: Wheat Yields Near Average
Wine Exports
Weekly Crop Watch

bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
10/29  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
Livestock and Poultry: World Markets & Trade -- delayed
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
10/13  Grain: World Markets and Trade
Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel
Dairy Monthly Imports
 World Agricultural Production PDF - Data
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
09/30  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
exempt USDA Schedules 2004 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
Text bullet Export Regulations
bullet Federal Register Notices
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
-- The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
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This page last updated: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 07:52:44 AM