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June 2004
Text bullet

U.S./Japan Technical BSE Working Group Concludes
Second of Three Meetings

Dr. Peter Fernandez of APHIS announced technical working group's objective of establishing a thorough review of the available information on BSE. (06/30/04)
Text bullet

Inconclusive Screening Test Sample Reported on June 25
Tests Negative for BSE Upon Confirmatory Testing

APHIS Deputy Administrator Dr. John Clifford announced results from USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa, during technical briefing. (06/30/04)
-- Transcript     -- Audio
Text bullet

USDA Seeks Comments on Proposed Regulations on Emerging Markets Program

The Emerging Markets Program, managed by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service, supports private and governmental technical assistance activities designed to promote U.S. agricultural exports. (06/30/04)
Text bullet

USDA Amends GSM-102 Credit Guarantees for Export Sales to South America Region

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has amended the Commodity Credit Corporation's Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102) for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities to South America region for fiscal year 2004 by $200 million. The amendment increases the allocation from $700 million to $900 million. (06/25/04)
Text bullet

USDA Trade Adjustment Assistance Program Requests To Begin in August

Groups of U.S. agricultural producers seeking assistance under the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers (TAA) program for fiscal year 2005 may submit their requests to the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) starting August 16, 2004, through January 31, 2005. (06/24/04)
Text bullet

USDA Announces Funds to Promote U.S. Food and Agricultural Products Overseas

Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced fiscal year 2004 allocations totaling $161,267,500 to 71 U.S. trade organizations to promote U.S. agricultural products overseas under the Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD) Cooperator program and Quality Samples Program (QSP). (06/17/04)
Text bullet

USDA Officials Brief Foreign Press on Upcoming Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology in Burkina Faso

Dr. J.B. Penn, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services and head of the U.S. Delegation to the Ministerial Conference briefed reporters from around the world about the ministerial to be held June 21-23 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. (06/15/04)
Text bullet

U.S. and Morocco Sign Free Trade Agreement (06/15/04)

More information on the U.S.-Morocco FTA
Text bullet

Veneman Signs Donation Agreements With Yemen

Secretary Veneman and Yemeni Foreign Minister Abubakr A. Al-Qirbi signed donation agreements for 10,000 metric tons of non-fat dry milk, 44,000 tons of wheat and 13,500 tons of flour valued at about $36 million. (06/08/04)
Text bullet USDA Secretary Veneman Speaks to International Agricultural Producers
About 21st Century Challenges for Global Agriculture
Address was presented during the International Federation of Agricultural Producers meeting in Washington, DC. (06/02/04)
Text bullet Veneman Welcomes Women’s Delegation from Afghanistan
Delegation of 12 Afghan women  are participating in the Cochran Fellowship Program. This U.S.-based training program will help them improve Afghanistan’s agricultural economy and strengthen trade links with the United States.  (06/02/04)
Text bullet Veneman Announces Science and Technology Ministerial Conference In West Africa
Conference in Burkina Faso, June 21-23 to focus on increasing agricultural productivity and reducing hunger (06/01/04)
Text bullet U.S. and Central America Sign Historic Free Trade Agreement (pdf | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
Historic agreement that will eliminate tariffs and trade barriers and expand regional opportunities for farmers and ranchers. (05/28/04)
--More information on CAFTA
Text bullet U.S. and Bahrain Conclude Free Trade Agreement Negotiations (pdf | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Agreement designed to remove barriers and facilitate trade between both countries. (05/27/04)
--More information on the U.S.-Bahrain FTA
Text bullet U.S. Agricultural Exports Forecast To Be a Record $61.5 Billion in FY 2004

Latest forecast exceeds the fiscal 1996 record of $59.8 billion. Forecast exports are increased $2.5 billion from February and are $5.3 billion over fiscal 2003.
--Press Release (05/26/04)
--Outlook for Agricultural Trade (ERS/FAS report; 05/25/04)
--Quarterly Outlook Analysis by FAS (05/25/04)

Text bullet Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade: U.S. Agricultural Exports Forecast at a Record $61.5 Billion in Fiscal Year 2004

Latest forecast exceeds the fiscal 1996 record of $59.8 billion. Forecast exports are increased $2.5 billion from February and are $5.3 billion over fiscal 2003. (ERS report; 05/25/04)

Text bullet United States and Mexican Agriculture Trade Officials Meet to Strengthen Trade Relationship
U.S. officials announced today that officials from the United States and Mexico had reached consensus on a number of bilateral trade issues during discussions held under the Consultative Committee on Agriculture (CCA). (05/25/04)
bullet Featured Reports

06/30  Mexico & Sugar: Historical Perspective, July 2004 (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
06/30  Processed Tomato Situation and Outlook, June 2004 (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
"Meat" Brazil
Global Crop Watch
 EU-25 Oilseed & Cotton Estimates
 Sunflower production, Ukraine and Russia
Zimbabwe Corn Production
Stocks Build as Soybean Supply Rises in 2004/04
(.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
2004/05 Forecasts Production Up and Cotton Consumption Continues to Shift to
          Developing Countries
World 2004/05 Coffee Production Forecast To Rise as Brazil's Crop Rebounds
05/24  EU-15: 2004-05 Wheat, Coarse Grain, and Rice Estimates by Country
Mexico: Northeast Reservoir Levels Comparatively High

bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
06/30  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
06/25  World Horticultural Trade: 2004 Charts Edition Quarterly Reference Guide
Fishery Products Monthly Circular
06/17  Forest Products: U.S. Exports Trade Data
06/17  U.S. Planting Seed Trade
06/14  Grain: World Markets and Trade
Oilseeds:  World Markets and Trade
06/14  Cotton: World Markets and Trade
06/14  Dairy Monthly Imports
Tropical Products: World Markets and Trade
Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel
06/10  World Agricultural Production -- PDF Data
Coarse Grains: World Situation and Outlook
06/07  Wheat: World Situation and Outlook
06/07  Rice: World Situation and Outlook
China's Return Helps Offset Decline of U.S. Wheat Exports Elsewhere in Asia (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Sugar: World Markets and Trade
05/27  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
exempt USDA Schedules 2004 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
Text bullet Export Regulations
bullet Federal Register Notices
06/22  Emerging Markets Program (Proposed Rule; .PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader))
WTO Agricultural Safeguard Trigger Levels (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Meeting of Advisory Committee on Emerging Markets
  Adjustment of Appendices to the Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota
(.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers:
Approved petitions are available on our Federal Register page.
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
-- The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
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