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July 2004
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Video Highlights From the Ministerial Conference on Harnessing Science and Technology to Increase Agricultural Productivity: West Africa Perspective Now Available

The Ministerial Conference was held in Burkina Faso in June 2004. The video runs approximately ten minutes. (07/29/04)
-- Video News Release From the Conference
-- Conference Website
Text bullet Veneman Meeting With West African Ministers At Conclusion Of U.S. Cotton Tour
Ministers looking to ways to improve domestic industries, increase usage of technological advances and boost trade (07/26/04)
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Statement by Agriculture Secretary Veneman Regarding Congressional Approval of the U.S. - Morocco Free Trade Agreement (07/23/04)

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Video News Release From the Ministerial Conference on Harnessing Science and Technology to Increase Agricultural Productivity: West Africa Perspective Now Available

The Ministerial Conference was held in Burkina Faso in June of 2004. (07/23/04)
-- Conference Website
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U.S./Japan Technical BSE Working Group Concludes Series of Meetings in Tokyo

The working group's final report will serve as the basis for the discussions between the two governments to establish the terms by which beef trade will resume. (07/22/04)
-- Final report (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader; 07/22/04)
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USDA Secretary Veneman Addresses the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Food for Peace Program (P.L. 480)

Veneman noted U.S. history of helping alleviate hunger through food donations, financial aid and technical assistance. (07/21/04)
-- U.S. Secretary of State Powell's Keynote Address (07/21/04)
-- USDA Radio News Line feature (real; mp3; 07/21/04)
-- P.L. 480: Fifty Years of Food for Peace (USAID)
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U.S. Dissatisfied With Japan Over Apple Dispute

U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick announced that the United States asked a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel to review whether Japan has complied with earlier WTO rulings against its restrictions on imported U.S. apples. The United States is seeking $143.4 million in sanctions. (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader; 07/19/04)
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USDA Officials Hold Technical Briefing To Discuss Recent Draft Report on
BSE Surveillance Program

APHIS Administrator Ron DeHaven and FSIS Administrator Barbara Masters emphasized efforts to protect public health while discussing the recently released report following an internal audit and review of USDA's BSE Surveillance Program.(07/13/04)
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USDA and HHS Strengthen Safeguards Against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson and Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced three actions being taken to further strengthen existing safeguards that protect consumers against the agent that causes bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, also known as “mad cow disease”). (07/09/04)
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Inconclusive Screening Test Sample Reported on June 29
Tests Negative for BSE Upon Confirmatory Testing

APHIS Deputy Administrator Dr. John Clifford announced results from USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa. (07/02/04)
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U.S./Japan Technical BSE Working Group Concludes
Second of Three Meetings

Dr. Peter Fernandez of APHIS announced technical working group's objective of establishing a thorough review of the available information on BSE. (06/30/04)
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Inconclusive Screening Test Sample Reported on June 25
Tests Negative for BSE Upon Confirmatory Testing

APHIS Deputy Administrator Dr. John Clifford announced results from USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa, during technical briefing. (06/30/04)
-- Transcript     -- Audio
bullet Featured Reports

07/28  Japan's Pork Safeguard
NASA Earth Observatory: Drought Conditions in Kenya Reduce Corn Production
Central Europe and Balkan Countries Expecting Bumper Harvests
World Biodiesel Update
World Asparagus Situation & Outlook - July 2004 (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
07/16  Global Crop Watch
Key Trade Trends of Major Dairy Exporters in Oceania and the EU-15 (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) -- See graphs note
07/13  Cotton:  Recent Growing Conditions Favorable for Increased Production
Recovering Wheat Supplies in Black Sea Region Shrink Import Demand
06/30  Mexico & Sugar: Historical Perspective, July 2004 (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
06/30  Processed Tomato Situation and Outlook, June 2004 (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
06/29  "Meat" Brazil

bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
07/30  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
07/16  Dairy Monthly Imports
Dairy: World Markets and Trade
Cotton:  World Markets and Trade
Grain: World Markets and Trade
Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
World Agricultural Production-- PDF Data
Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel
Quarterly Reference Guide to World Horticultural Trade: 2004 Trade Data Edition
World Agricultural Production -- PDF Data
06/30  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
06/25  Quarterly Reference Guide to World Horticultural Trade: 2004 Charts Edition
exempt USDA Schedules 2004 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
Text bullet Export Regulations
bullet Federal Register Notices
07/14  Use of Materials Derived From Cattle in Human Food and Cosmetics
Recordkeeping Requirements for Human Food and Cosmetics
Federal Measures To Mitigate BSE Risks: Considerations for Further Action; Proposed Rule
Risk Assessment for Cosmetics and Potential Contamination With Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Agent; Availability
Emerging Markets Program (Proposed Rule; .PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader))
WTO Agricultural Safeguard Trigger Levels (.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers:
Approved petitions are available on our Federal Register page.
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
-- The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
July   August  September  October   November   December  January   February   March   April    May   June         
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This page last updated: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 03:27:37 PM