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August 2004
Text bullet USDA Signs P.L. 480, Title 1, Agreement with Peru
  The agreement provides $6 million for the sale of approximately 36,600 metric tons of wheat.  (08/31/04)
Text bullet Peru Receives $6 Million P.L. 480 Purchase Authorization For U.S. Wheat
  The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that an authorization was issued to Peru to purchase $6 million of U.S. wheat under Public Law 480,
Title I. (08/31/04)
Text bullet USDA Announces First Visit of Borlaug Science and Technology Fellows
The U.S. Department of Agriculture welcomed the arrival of 33 Norman E. Borlaug science and technology fellows to the United States, the first visit of Borlaug fellows since launching the international science and technology training program earlier this year.  (08/30/04)
-- More information on the Borlaug Fellows Program
Text bullet U.S. Agricultural Exports Expected To Reach A Record $62 Billion in FY 2004
This represents the highest sales ever, eclipsing the old record of $59.8 billion set in fiscal year 1996. This forecast is up $500 million from May’s estimate largely due to stronger-than-expected cotton, beef and pork exports. (08/26/04)
-- FAS Analysis
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USTR and USDA Receive Assurances From China on Soybean Shipments

New Chinese import regulations will not interfere with trade in U.S. soybeans and other commodities. (08/26/04)
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Philippines Receives $20 Million P.L. 480 Purchase Authorization For U.S. Rice

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that an authorization was issued to the Philippines to purchase $20 million of U.S. rice under Public Law 480, Title I. (08/24/04)
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Jordan Receives $20 Million P.L. 480 Purchase Authorization For U.S. Wheat

The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that an authorization was issued to Jordan topPurchase $20 million of U.S. wheat under Public Law 480, Title I. (08/24/04)
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President Bush Signs The U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (08/17/04)

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Veneman Signs New Food For Education Agreement With Dominican Republic

USDA Secretary Ann M. Veneman, who traveled to Santo Domingo to represent President Bush at the inauguration of President Leonel Fernandez, signed a new food for education donation agreement with the new president. (08/17/04)
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USDA Announces $50 Million in Assistance Under McGovern-Dole International Food For Education and Child Nutrition Program

Under USDA's fiscal year 2004 McGovern-Dole program, the announced assistance includes donations for 13 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe and will feed nearly 2 million children. (08/16/04)
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USDA Secretary Veneman Discusses Agricultural Issues
During Tele-News Conference

Joined by Dr. J.B. Penn, Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, and Gerald A. Bange, Chairperson of the USDA World Agricultural Outlook Board, Secretary Veneman discussed various food and agricultural issues, including agricultural trade. (08/13/04)
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Full Enforcement of the U.S. Bioterrorism Act Prior Notice (Phase IV) Delayed

FDA, with U.S. Customs and Border Protection concurrence, will delay full implementation of all prior notice interim final rule (IFR) data elements from August 13, 2004, to November 1, 2004. All but three data elements will be enforced on August 13. (08/12/04)
-- Compliance Summary Information: Prior Notice      -- Revised Joint Plan
-- Prior Notice Contingency         
      -- Revised Compliance Policy Guide
Text bullet

USDA Awards $10 Million Under 2004 Emerging Markets Program

Recipients include universities, federal agencies, trade groups and nonprofit organizations that will conduct the 86 agricultural trade-building projects in Africa, Asia, Eastern and Central Europe, South America and the Caribbean.(08/12/04)
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Dominican Republic Joins Five Central American Countries
in Historic FTA With U.S.

Historic agreement creates the second-largest free trade zone in Latin America for U.S. exports, will eliminate 80 percent of the tariffs immediately, with the remaining tariffs phased out over 10 years. (08/05/04; .PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
-- Statement by USTR Zoellick (08/05/04)     -- More on DR-CAFTA
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President Bush Signs U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement

Remarks by the President after signing H.R. 4759, the United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, during Rose Garden ceremony. (08/03/04)
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USDA Secretary Veneman Praises U.S. Negotiating Team on the
World Trade Organization Trade Accord

Negotiators in Geneva were able to reach agreement on a framework that will enable the Doha Round talks to proceed to a conclusion. (08/01/04)
-- From USTR (all .PDF | require Adobe Acrobat Reader)
   -- Press Release (08/01/04)     -- Press Conference Statement (08/01/04)
   -- Fact Sheet (07/31/04)          -- Agreement: Final Text (07/31/04)
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Video Highlights From the Ministerial Conference on Harnessing Science and Technology to Increase Agricultural Productivity: West Africa Perspective Now Available

The Ministerial Conference was held in Burkina Faso in June of 2004. The video runs approximately ten minutes. (07/29/04)
-- Video News Release From the Conference
-- Conference Website
bullet Featured Reports

08/31  Locusts Invade West Africa's Grain Belt
Malaysia: Below-Normal Rainfall May Limit Palm Oil Yields Late 2004-Early 2005
Mexico: Summer Corn Crop Not Without Issues
NASA Satellites Allow USDA To See World's Lakes and Rivers Rise and Fall
US Dominican & Central America Free Trade Agreement: Vegetables
08/27  US Dominican & Central America Free Trade Agreement: Fruit & Nuts
08/24  Coarse Grains: World Situation and Outlook (PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
08/24  Rice: World Situation and Outlook (PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Wheat: World Situation and Outlook (PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Raisin Situation and Outlook (August 2004)
NAFTA Still Boosting U.S. Horticultural Exports
08/17  Russia: Wheat Production Forecast Above Average
Brazil: Soybean Expansion Expected to Continue in 2004/05
China Drives U.S. Cotton Exports in 2003/04
08/13  Global Crop Watch
Shrinking Stocks Constrain Indian Wheat and Rice Exports
World Soybean Stocks Rise Sharply (PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
07/28  Japan's Pork Safeguard
NASA Earth Observatory: Drought Conditions in Kenya Reduce Corn Production

bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
08/31  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
08/17  Dairy Monthly Imports
Fishery Products Monthly Circular
08/17  Forest Products: U.S. Exports Trade Data
08/13  Cotton: World Markets and Trade
08/13  Grain: World Markets and Trade
Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel
08/12  World Agricultural Production -- PDF Data
Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
exempt USDA Schedules 2004 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
Text bullet Export Regulations
bullet Federal Register Notices
07/30  Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection: Sugar Import Licensing Programs
Use of Materials Derived From Cattle in Human Food and Cosmetics
Recordkeeping Requirements for Human Food and Cosmetics
Federal Measures To Mitigate BSE Risks: Considerations for Further Action; Proposed Rule
Risk Assessment for Cosmetics and Potential Contamination With Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Agent; Availability
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers:
Approved petitions are available on our Federal Register page.
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
-- The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
August  September  October   November   December  January   February   March   April    May   June   July          
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