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What's New - November 2007
FY 2008 Exports Revised Upward to Record $91 Billion; Imports Increased Slightly to $75.5 Billion (11/30/07)
Read the full report (.pdf)
FAS Analysis

USDA's Conner Lauds Dedication, Calls for Change During Worldwide Agriculture Conference
Transcript of Acting U.S. Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner's remarks to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization on Nov. 19 in Rome, Italy.  (11/27/07)
An Action Plan From FAO To Reduce World Hunger (USDA Radio News; 11/26/07 - real, mp3, wave)
USDA's Conner Leads U.S. Delegation to Worldwide Agriculture Conference (11/16/07)
“New agriculture” Needs New FAO, Says Director-General Jacques Diouf (11/19/07)
View Webcast of the FAO Ministerial Conference
More about the FAO Ministerial Conference

Colombian Transformation Through Agriculture and Trade
Acting U.S. Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner and U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab describe how the drug-connected violence that plagued Colombia in the 1990s has been replaced by a market-based economy centered on agriculture. (USDA Radio News; 11/27/07 - real, mp3, wave)
More about the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement

Assuring Biotech Quality Management for USDA Rules
USDA officials discussed a
USDA program designed to aid private companies and cooperatives in meeting federal standards for genetically engineered crops. (USDA Radio News; 11/27/07 - real, mp3, wave)
More about USDA's Biotechnology Quality Management System

USDA Radio News Interviews "Father of the Green Revolution"
Dr. Norman Borlaug's
research is credited with saving millions of people from starvation. (USDA Radio News; 11/27/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Foreign Agricultural Service Plays Big Role in U.S. Dairy Exports
Exports of U.S. dairy products get a boost from USDA programs. (USDA Radio News; 11/23/07 - real, mp3)

The Benefits of Free Trade for Southern Africa
Women farmers in southern African countries could raise their incomes if there were free trade among the 12 Southern African countries. (USDA Radio News; 11/21/07 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA's Conner To Attend U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue
Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner will join the U.S. delegation led by U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr., during Dec. 12-13 meetings near Beijing, China. (11/20/07)
More about the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED)

U.S. Trade Representative Discusses Ag Trade During Media Roundtable in Singapore (Transcript [.pdf]; 11/19/07)
USTR Schwab To Visit Singapore and Meet With ASEAN Economic Ministers (11/16/07)

Philippines Allows Full Market Access For U.S. Beef and Beef Products in Line With International Standards (11/16/07)
Transcript of Remarks with Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner and Arthur Yap, Secretary of Agriculture of the Philippines, Regarding Beef Trade (11/16/07)
Philippines Will Now Grant Full Market Access for U.S. Beef (USDA Radio News; 11/16/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Acting USDA Secretary Urges Congress To Deliver a New Farm Bill (11/15/07)
Farm Bill on Hold in Senate, Conner Urges Action (USDA Radio News; 11/16/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Debates and Amendments Are Part of Developing a Farm Bill (USDA Radio News; 11/15/07 - real, mp3, wave)
What They're Saying About the Administration's Farm Bill Proposals (11/12/07)

Acting USDA Secretary Discusses Ag Exports, Trade Agreements During Annual Farm Broadcasters Convention
Acting Secretary Chuck Conner held a press conference in Kansas City, Missouri. (11/14/07)

FY2007 Agricultural Exports Reach Record $81.9 Billion
A 19 percent increase over the FY2006 record (USDA Radio News; 11/13/07 - real, mp3, wave)
Latest U.S. Agricultural Trade Data Tables from the Economic Research Service

Latest U.S. Agricultural Trade Data (11/09/07)

Statement by Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner Regarding Approval of the Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (11/08/07)

Statement by Acting Secretary Chuck Conner Regarding the Import Safety Action Plan (11/06/07)
Action Plan for Import Safety - A Roadmap for Continual Improvement (.pdf)

China’s Cotton Supply and Demand: Issues and Impact on the World Market (Economic Research Service; 11/06/07)

USDA Grants $234 Million to Promote U.S. Food and Agricultural Products Overseas
The allocations were provided under the Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development Program (FMD).   (11/05/07)

USDA Awards Nearly $3.4 Million Under Emerging Markets Program (11/05/07)

Transcript Of Joint Media Roundtable With Acting Secretary Chuck Conner And U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Susan Schwab Regarding The Colombia Free Trade Agreement (11/05/07)

Statement by Dr. Richard Raymond Regarding Increased Testing and Re-inspection of Imported Meat and Poultry Products from Canada  (11/03/07)

United States and Canada Announce an Arrangement Concerning Trade in Potatoes (11/01/07)

The Future of Biofuels: A Global Perspective (Economic Research Service; 11/01/07)

House Ways and Means Committee Approves Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
Statement by Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner(10/31/07)
(USDA Radio News; 11/01/07 - real, mp3, wave)

Featured Reports
11/09  European Union Rapeseed Supply Deficit to be Supplied by Russia & Ukraine

World Production, Market and Trade Reports
11/29  U.S. Planting Seed Trade
Sugar: World Markets and Trade (PDF); data table
Dairy Monthly Import Circular
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
11/09  Grain:
World Markets and Trade
11/09  Livestock and Poultry: World Markets & Trade
11/09  Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
World Agricultural Production

2007 Release Dates

Export Regulations
In Detail

Federal Register Notices

Request a renewal of current information collection processes currently used in support of Exporter Assistance programs
Extension for a currently approved information collection procedure for entry of specialty sugars into the United States
Extension for a currently approved information collection procedure for Sugar Import Licensing Programs
Notice of Request for Public Comments on the Review and Renegotiation of the United States-Israel Agreement on Trade in Agricultural Products
The Dairy Import Licensing Program, Proposed Rule
Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present. --
The Export Sales Reporting Program: The Early Alert System for U.S. Exporters (brochure)
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