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Science and Technology

Science and Technology Organization

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Science and Technology Organization consists of four directorates and multiple centers focused on scientific research, technological development, and market acceptance of renewable fuels and electricity. The four directorates are:

Energy Sciences

Photo of a woman in a laboratory with a research appartus used to produce hydrogen from algae.

NREL scientists are working on a novel way to use green algae to produce hydrogen directly from water and sunlight, that, when recombined with oxygen in a fuel cell, produces clean energy without pollutants.

Under the leadership of NREL's Associate Director, Ray Stults, scientists and researchers in the Energy Sciences directorate develop new knowledge and fundamental understanding in the chemical, biological, materials and computer sciences. The directorate conducts the foundational scientific research that underpins NREL's technological research and development (R&D), including theoretical and fundamental research in basic sciences, and basic and applied research in computational sciences. Scientists in the directorate partner with universities, other national laboratories, and industry to bring additional capabilities to ongoing R&D programs at NREL. The three centers that make up the Energy Sciences directorate are:

Chemical and Biosciences Center

James Brainard, Director

Materials and Scientific Computing Center

Steven Hammond, Director

Renewable Electricity Science and Technology

Photo of solar parabolic trough.

NREL researchers work to lower costs and improve performance of solar parabolic troughs, a solar electric generating system.

Bobi Garrett is the Acting Associate Director leading the Renewable Electricity Science and Technology directorate. This directorate partners with industry, universities, and other research laboratories to perform analysis, develop strategies, conduct R&D, and accelerate market growth for multiple programs in the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE/EERE). Researchers in the directorate conduct research and technology development in:

  • Generation of renewable electricity from wind, solar, geothermal, and ocean resources
  • System integration, delivery, storage, and efficient use of renewable electricity
  • Efficient use of electricity and thermal energy in buildings and industry.

The four centers that make up the Renewable Electricity Science and Development directorate at NREL are:

National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV)

L.L. Kazmerski, Director

National Wind Technology Center (NWTC)

Robert Thresher, Director

Buildings and Thermal Systems Center

Ronald Judkoff, Director

Electric Systems Center

Tom Stoffel, Acting Director

Five Technology Managers lead the programs in these centers:

Renewable Fuels Science and Technology

Photo of scrubbers used for biomass syngas clean up.

NREL researchers in the National Bioenergy Center have developed substantial expertise in limiting tar build up from biomass syngas, which interferes with generating equipment operation.

Under the leadership of Associate Director, Dale Gardner, this directorate performs applied research and analysis in biomass, hydrogen, and transportation technologies. The directorate's work supports multiple EERE/DOE programs. The directorate develops technical strategies to address national fuel and transportation challenges. In partnership with national laboratories, industry, and academia the directorate promotes market acceptance of renewable fuels and vehicle technologies. The three centers that make up NREL's Renewable Fuels Science and Technology directorate are:

National Bioenergy Center

Mike Cleary, Director

Hydrogen Technologies and Systems Center

Robert Remick, Director

Transportation Technologies and Systems Center

Barbara Goodman, Director

Three Technology Managers lead the programs in these centers:

Strategic Development and Analysis

Photo of scientist and electron microscope.

NREL's scientists conduct the foundational scientific research that underpins the lab's R&D.

The Strategic Development and Analysis directorate supports NREL's scientific and technological development in several key areas. The directorate conducts critical energy and economic analyses, provides technical assistance for energy projects, and works to transfer technologies and expertise developed by NREL into the marketplace. The directorate also facilitates the development of laboratory facilities and resources. The four centers and offices that make up the Strategic Development and Analysis directorate are:

Strategic Energy Analysis & Applications Center

Doug Arent, Director

Laboratory Development Office

Susan Hock, Director

Technology Transfer Office

Tom Williams, Director

Two Technology Managers lead the programs in these offices and centers: