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plumeless thistle
plumeless thistle(Carduus acanthoides)
ODA rating: A
Winter annual or biennial herb; flowers May to July. Grows 1 to 4 feet tall. Stems covered with spiny wings. Rosette leaves 4 to 8 inches long, stem leaves alternate and blend into the stem. Flower heads in clusters of 2 to 5 and usually purple but can be yellow or white.
Each plant generates thousands of seeds. It is very aggresive, limiting grazing and other livestock management, threaten forage production and restrict recreational activities.  Plumeless thistle invades pastures, valleys, fields, roadsides and open native habitats.
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Images courtesy of Dan Sharratt, Oregon Dept. of Agriculture

If images are downloaded and used from the ODA web site please be sure to credit the photographer.
Distribution in Oregon
The only known populations of plumeless thistle in Oregon are in Grant county.

Map legend
Yellow:  limited distribution
Red:     abundant
Grey:    not known to be present
Biological controls
Biological control agents are not used on "A" listed weeds in Oregon. This weed is being managed for eradication or containment. There are two approved biocontrol agents for use in other states: a seed head weevil and a crown weevil.
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Page updated: February 12, 2008

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