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Plum Pox Virus (PPV)
  • Sharka virus

Plant hosts
  • Major hosts: Prunus armeniaca (apricot), Prunus domestica (plum), Prunus dulcis (almond), Prunus persica (peach)
  • Minor hosts: Juglans regia (walnut), Prunus avium (sweet cherry), Prunus besseyi (bessey cherry), Prunus salicina (Japanese plum), Prunus spinosa (blackthorn), Prunus tomentosa (Nanking cherry tree)
  • Wild hosts: Prunus cerasifera (myrobalan plum), Prunus glandulosa (flowering almond)

Many trees do not show symptoms for up to three years after initial infection. Symptoms can be severe on many cultivars of apricots, plum and peach trees. However, the type and severity of symptom development depends on the particular cultivar. Sweet and sour cherries recently were confirmed as natural hosts. Symptoms may appear on leaves or fruits of infected tree and are particularly evident on leaves in spring when chlorotic spots, bands or rings, vein clearing, and even leaf deformation is evident. Infected fruits show chlorotic spots or rings, and diseased plums and apricots are deformed with internal browning of the flesh and pale rings or spots on the stones. Much of the affected fruit drops prematurely 20 to 30 days before the normal maturity date, and fruit that does remain on the tree lacks flavor and is low in sugar. Symptoms, however, are highly variable.
Fruit with plum pox virus
Image provided by Biologische Bundesanstalt from Landung, Germany.

The virus is spread by aphids feeding from tree to tree. It is also spread through the movement of infected budwood or nursery stock.

Geographic distribution
The virus is known to be in Adams County, Pennsylvania, Argentina, Chile, Europe, Michigan, Niagara County, New York, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Ontario, Canada.

Applicable regulations
Plum pox virus is a federally regulated virus.
Return to plant pathogen list.

Page updated: November 06, 2008

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