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NG7 30-m Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument

2006 Publications

#Article TitleAuthorsJournal TitleVolumeIssuePage NumberYear
1A New Reverse Wormlike Micellar System: Mixtures of Bile Salt and Lecithin in Organic LiquidsTung S H, Huang Y E, Raghavan S RJ Amer. Chem. Soc.128757512006
2Characterization and Surface-Reactivity of Nanocrystalline Anatase in Aqueous Solutions Ridley M K, Hackley V A, Machesky M LLangmuir2226109722006
3Chromatographic Separation of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Bauer B J, Bajpai V, Fagan J A, Becker M L, Hobbie E KMater. Res. Soc. Symp.9220922-U09-02006
4Comparative Measures of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Dispersion Fagan J A, Landi B J, Mandelbaum I, Simpson J R, Bajpai V, Bauer B J, Migler K, Hight W a, Raffaelle R, Hobbie E KJ Phys. Chem. B11047238012006
5Contrast variation SANS for the solution structure of the ß-amyloid peptide 1–40 influenced by SDS surfactants Jeng U S, Lin T L, Lim J M, Ho D LPhysica B385-38628652006
6Cyanate Ester/Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Nanocomposites: Synthesis and CharacterizationLiang K, Li G, Toghiani H, Koo J H, Pittman C UChem. Mater.1823012006
7Dense Cluster Formation during Aggregation and Gelation of Attractive Slippery Nanoemulsion Droplets Wilking J N, Graves S M, Chang C B, Meleson K, Lin M Y, Mason T GPhys. Rev. Lett.9610155012006
8Dilute-solution structure of charged arborescent graft polymerYun S I, Briber R M, Kee R A, Gauthier MPolymer47827502006
9Dynamic Responses in Nanocomposite Hydrogels Loizou E, Butler P, Porcar L, Schmidt GMacromol.39416142006
10Dynamic Responses in Polymer-Clay Gels Loizou E, Porcar L, Butler P, Malwitz M, Schmidt GMater. Res. Soc. Symp.840Q2.7.12006
11Effect of Temperature on Shear-Induced Anisotropic Structure in Polymer Clay Hydrogels Li J, Jiang J, Li C, Lin M Y, Schwarz S A, Rafailovich M H, Sokolov JMacromol. Rapid Commun.272017872006
12Effective Structure Factor of Osmotically Deformed Nanoemulsions Mason T G, Graves S M, Wilking J N, Lin M YJ Phys. Chem. B11044220972006
13Experimental evidence for internal structure in aqueous–organic nanodropletsWyslouzil B E, Wilemski G, Strey R, Heath C H, Dieregsweiler UPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.81542006
14Incorporating Intermicellar Interactions in the Fitting of SANS Data from CationicWormlike Micelles Chen W R, Butler P D, Magid L JLangmuir221565392006
15Influence of Conformational Asymmetry on the Phase Behavior of Ternary Homopolymer/Block Copolymer Blends around the Bicontinuous Microemulsion ChannelZhou N, Lodge T P, Bates F SJ Phys. Chem. B110939792006
16Magnetic uniaxial alignment of the columnar superstructure of discotic metallomesogens over the centimetre length scaleLee J H, Choi S M, Pate B D, Chisholm M H, Han Y SJ Mater. Chem.162727852006
17Mechanistic principles of nanoparticle evolution to zeolite crystalsDavis T M, Drews T O, Ramanan H, He C, Dong J, Schnablegger H, Katsoulakis M A, Kokkoli E, McCormick A V, Penn R L, Tsapatsis MNature Mater.54002006
18Method of separated form factors for polydisperse vesicles Pencer J, Krueger S, Adams C P, Katsaras JJ Appl. Cryst.3932932006
19Microphase and Macrophase Separation in Multicomponent A/B/A-C Polymer Blends with Attractive and Repulsive InteractionsRuegg M L, Reynolds B J, Lin M Y, Lohse D J, Balsara N PMacromol.39311252006
20Order in vertically aligned carbon nanotube arraysWang H, Xu Z, Eres GAppl. Phys. Lett.88212131112006
21Organogels with Fe(III) Complexes of Phosphorus-Containing Amphiphiles as Two-Component Isothermal GelatorsGeorge M, Funkhouser G P, Terech P, Weiss R GLangmuir221878852006
22Polymerization of Anionic Wormlike MicellesZhu Z, Gonzalez Y I, Xu H, Kaler E W, Liu SLangmuir2239492006
23Preliminary SANS studies of the structure of nickel powders on the nanoscale Knott R B, Lin M Y, Hanley H J, Muir DPhysica B385-38629082006
24Reduction and analysis of SANS and USANS data using IGOR Kline S RJ Appl. Cryst.3968952006
25SANS Determination of Chain Conformation in Perpendicular-Aligned Undecablock Copolymer LamellaeWu L, Lodge T P, Bates F SMacromol.3912942006
26SANS Study of the Effects of Water Vapor Sorption on the Nanoscale Structure of Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acid (NAFION) Membranes Kim M H, Glinka C J, Grot S A, Grot W GMacromol.391447752006
27SANS and XRR Porosimetry of a Polyphenylene Low-k Dielectric Silverstein M S, Bauer B J, Hedden R C, Lee H J, Landes B GMacromol.39829982006
28Self-Assembly of Latex Particles into Proton-Conductive MembranesGao J, Yang Y, Lee D, Holdcroft S, Frisken B JMacromol.392380602006
29Small Angle Neutron Scattering as a Probe for Protein Aggregation at Many Length ScalesKrueger S, Ho D L, Tsai AMisbehaving Proteins:Protein (Mis) Folding, Aggregation and StabilityKluwer Aca1252006
30Small angle neutron scattering study of disordered and crystalline iron nanoparticle assemblies Farrell D F, Ijiri Y, Kelly C V, Borchers J A, Rhyne J J, Ding Y, Majetich S AJ Magnetism & Magnetic Mater.30323182006
31Small angle scattering and asphaltenesSheu E YJ Phys.: Cond. Mat.18S24852006
32Small-Angle Neutron Scattering from Labeled Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Bauer B J, Hobbie E K, Becker M LMacromol.39726372006
33Spatially Resolved small-angle neutron scattering in the 1-2 plane: A study of shear-induced phase-separating wormlike micelles Libertore M W, Nettesheim F, Wagner N J, Porcar LPhys. Rev. E7320205042006
34Spontaneous Formation of Vesicles of Diblock Copolymer EO6BO11 in Water: A SANS Study Norman A I, Ho D L, Lee J H, Karim AJ Phys. Chem. B1101622006
35Spontaneously Forming Ellipsoidal Phospholipid Unilamellar Vesicles and Their Interactions with Helical Domains of Saposin CNieh M P, Pencer J, Katsaras J, Qi XLangmuir2226110282006
36Structural Effects of Crosslinking a Biopolymer Hydrogel Derived from Marine Mussel Adhesive Protein Loizou E, Weisser J T, Dundigalla A, Porcar L, Schmidt G, Wilker J JMacromol. Biosci.697112006
37Structural Study of Proton-Conducting Fluorous Block Copolymer MembranesRubatat L, Shi Z, Diat O, Holdcroft S, Frisken B JMacromol.3927202006
38Supramolecular structures in nanocomposite multilayered films Stefanescu E A, Dundigalla A, Ferreiro V, Loizou E, Porcar L, Negulescu I, Garno J, Schmidt GPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.81417382006
39The MS2 Coat Protein Shell is Likely Assembled Under Tension: A Novel Role for the MS2 Bacteriophage A Protein as Revealed by Small-angle Neutron Scattering Kuzmanovic D A, Elashvili I, Wick C, O’Connell C, Krueger SJ Molec. Bio.355510952006
40Ultra small angle neutron scattering term study of the nanometer to micrometer structure of porous Vycor Kim M H, Glinka C JMicropor. and Mesopor. Mater.911-33052006

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