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NG7 30-m Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument

2004 Publications

#Article TitleAuthorsJournal TitleVolumeIssuePage NumberYear
1Application of image analysis for characterization of porosity in thermal spray coatings and correlation with small angle neutron scatteringDeshpande S, Kulkarni A, Sampath SSurf. & Coat. Tech.187162004
2Diffraction Techniques for Nonlamellar Phases of Phospholipids Ding J, Liu W, Glinka C J, Worcester D L, Yang L, Huang H WLangmuir202192622004
3Dispersing Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Surfactants: A Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study Wang H, Zhou W, Ho D L, Winey K I, Fischer J E, Glinka C J, Hobbie E KNano Lett.4917892004
4Effect of microstructure of fluorinated acrylic coatings on UV degradation testing Sung L P, Vicini S, Ho D L, Hedhlim L, Olmstead C, Wood K APolymer451966392004
5Effect of the hydrophilic size on the structural phases of aqueous nonionic gemini surfactant solutionsNieh M P, Kumar S K, Fernando R H, Colby R H, Katsaras JLangmuir202190612004
6Influence of end groups on dendrimer rheology and conformationTande B M, Wanger N J, Kim Y HMacromol.361246192004
7Isothermal nucleation rates in supersonic nozzles and the properties of small water clustersKim Y J, Wyslouzil B E, Wilemski G, Wölk J, Strey RJ Phys. Chem. A1082043652004
8Layered Structures of Shear-Oriented and Multilayered PEO-Silicate Nanocomposite FilmsMalwitz M M, Dundigalla A, Ferreiro V, Butler P D, Henk M C, Schmidt GPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.61129772004
9Mapping Large Regions of Diblock Copolymer Phase Space by Selective Chemical ModificationDavidock D A, Hillmyer M A, Lodge T PMacromol.3723972004
10Orientation and Relaxation of Polymer-Clay Solutions Studied by Rheology and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, Malwitz M M, Butler P D, Porcar L, Angelette D P, Schmidt GJ Poly. Sci. B421731022004
11Phase Behavior of Ultrathin Polymer MixturesJones R L, Indrakanti A, Briber R M, Muller M, Kumar S KMacromol.371866762004
12Phase behavior of PS-PVME nanocomposites Yurekli K, Karim A, Amis E J, Krishnamoorti RMacromol.3725072004
13Segregation of hydrogen at internal Ag/MgO (metal/oxide)-interfaces as observed by small angle neutron scattering Kluthe C, Al-Kassa T, Barker J, Pyckhout-Hintzen W, Kirchheim RActa Materialia52927012004
14Shear-Induced -to-Network Transition in a Block Copolymer MeltCochran E, Bates F SPhys. Rev. Lett.9380878022004
15Shear-Induced Structure in Polymer-Clay Nanocomposite Solutions Lin-Gibson S, Kim H, Schmidt G, Han C CJ Coll. & Interface Sci.27425152004
16Small angle neutron scattering from single-wall carbon nanotube suspensions: evidence for isolated rigid rods and rod networks Zhou W, Islam M F, Wang H, Ho D L, Yodh A G, Winey K I, Fischer J EChem. Phys. Lett.3841-31852004
17Small-Angle Neutron Scattering from Non-uniformly Labeled Block CopolymersRuegg M L, Newstein M C, Balsara N P, Reynolds B JMacromol.37519602004
18Small-angle neutron scattering and rheological characterization of aluminosilicate hydrogelsPhair J W, Schultz J C, Aldridge L P, Smith J DJ Amer. Ceramic Soc.8711292004
19Small-angle neutron scattering studies of tubulin ring polymers Boukari H, Chernomordika V, Krueger S, Nossala R, Sackett D LPhysica B3501-3, Supp E5332004
20Spontaneous vesicle formation and phase behavior in mixtures of an anionic surfactant with imidazoline compoundsGonzalez Y I, Stjerndahl M, Danino D, Kaler E WLangmuir201770532004
21Spontaneously Formed Monodispersed Biomimetic Unilamellar Vesicles: The Effect of Charge, Dilution and Time Nieh M P, Harroun T A, Raghunathan V A, Glinka C J, Katsaras JBiophys. J86426152004
22Temperature-dependent micellar structures in poly(styrene-b-isoprene) diblock copolymer solutions near the critical micelle temperature Bang J, Viswanathan K, Lodge T P, Park M J, Char KJ Chem. Phys.12122114892004
23The Magnetically Alignable Phase of Phospholipid Bicelle Mixtures in a Chiral Nematic Made up of Worm-Like Micelles Nieh M P, Raghunathan V A, Glinka C J, Harroun T A, Pabst GLangmuir201978932004
24Thermodynamic Interactions in Blends of Poly(4 tert butyl styrene) and Polyisoprene by Small Angle Neutron ScatteringYurekli K, Krishnamoorti RJ Poly. Sci. B421732042004
25Topological relaxation of a shear-induced lamellar phase to sponge equilibrium and the energetics of membrane fusion Porcar L, Hamilton W A, Butler P D, Warr G GPhys. Rev. Lett.93191983012004
26Viscoelastic and small angle neutron scattering studies of concentrated protein solutiosLonetti B, Fratini E, Chen S H, Baglioni PPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.6713882004

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