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NG7 30-m Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument

2003 Publications

#Article TitleAuthorsJournal TitleVolumeIssuePage NumberYear
1A small-angle neutron scattering study of a commercial organoclay dispersion Hanley H J, Muzny C D, Ho D L, Glinka C JLangmuir191455752003
2Aggregation and solubility behavior of asphaltenes and their subfractionsSpiecker P M, Gawrys K L, Kilpatrick P KJ Coll. & Interface Sci.26711782003
3Asphaltene nanoparticle aggregation in mixtures of incompatible crude oils Mason T G, Lin M YPhys. Rev. E6750504012003
4Characterization of electrosterically stabilized polystyrene latexDe Bruyn H, , Gilbert R G, White J WPolymer441644112003
5Characterization of metal-oxide nanoparticles: synthesis and dispersion in polymeric coatingsSung L P, Scierka S, Baghai-Anaraki MNanomat. Struct. Appl.7401472003
6Concentration-independent spontaneously forming biomimetric vesicles Nieh M P, Harroun T A, Raghunathan V A, Glinka C J, Katsaras JPhys. Rev. Lett.91151581052003
7Deprotection volume characteristics and line edge morphology in chemcially amplified resistsJones R L, Tengjiao H u, Prabhu V MProc. SPIE503910312003
8Effect of carbon dioxide sorption on the phase behavior of weakly interacting polymer mixtures: Solvent-induced segregation in deuterated polybutadiene/polyisoprene blendsRamachandrarao V S, Vogt B D, Gupta R R, Watkins J JJ Poly. Sci. B412331142003
9Effects of petroleum resins on asphaltene aggregation and water-in-oil emulsion formationSpiecker P M, Gawrys K L, Trail C B, Kilpatrick P KColl. & Surf. A2201-392003
10Gaussian random field models of aerogelsQuintanilla J, Reidy R F, Gorman B P, Mueller D WJ Appl. Phys.93845842003
11Highly aligned lamellar lipid domains induced by macroscopic confinementNieh M P, Raghunathan V A, Wang H, Katsaras JLangmuir191769362003
12N-alkyl perfluoroalkanamides as low molecular-mass organogelators George M, Snyder S L, Terech P, Glinka C J, Weiss R GJ Amer. Chem. Soc.12534102752003
13Neutron- and light-scattering studies of the liquid-to-glass and glass-to-glass transitions in dense copolymer micellar solutions Chen W R, Mallamace F, Glinka C J, Fratini E, Chen S HPhys. Rev. E6840414022003
14Observation of liquid-to-glass and glass-to-glass transitions in L64/D2O triblock copolymer micellar systemChen S H, Chen W R, Mallamace FMol. Sim.2910-116112003
15Orientation of platelets in multilayered nanocomposite polymer films Malwitz M M, Lin-Gibson S, Hobbie E K, Butler P D, Schmidt GJ Poly. Sci. B412432372003
16Phase behavior of polystyrene-block-poly(n-alkyl methacrylate)s dilated with carbon dioxideVogt B D, Ramachandrarao V S, Gupta T J, Russell T P, Watkins J JMacromol.361140292003
17Properties of polymer-nanoparticle compositesSchmidt G, Malwitz M MCurr. Op. Coll. & Interface Sci.811032003
18Quantitative analysis of rod like micelle solutions viscosity using microscopic parameters Guo H K, Tao R B, Lin M YInt. J Modern Phys. B171-21192003
19Self-assembly at high pressures: SANS study of the effect of pressure on microstructure of C8E5 micelles in waterLesemann M, Nathan H, DiNoia T P, Kirby C F, McHugh M A, van Zanten J H, Paulaitis M EInd. & Eng. Chem.422564252003
20Shear- and magnetic-field-induced ordering in magnetic nanoparticle dispersion from small-angle neutron scattering Krishnamurthy V V, Bhandar A S, Piao M, Zoto I, Lane A M, Nikles D E, Wiest J M, Mankey G J, Porcar L, Glinka C JPhys. Rev. E6750514062003
21Shear-induced mesostructure in nanoplatelet-polymer networks Lin-Gibson S, Schmidt G, Kim H, Han C C, Hobbie E KJ Chem. Phys.1191580802003
22Small angle neutron scattering from D2O-H2O nanodroplets and binary nucleation rates in a supersonic nozzleHeath C H, Streletzky K A, Wyslouzil B E, Wölk J, Strey RJ Chem. Phys.1181254652003
23Small angle neutron scattering study of sodium dodecyl sulfate micellar growth driven by addition of a hydrotropic saltHassan P A, Fritz G, Kaler E WJ Coll. & Interface Sci.25711542003
24Small-angle neutron scattering measurements of magnetic cluster sizes in magnetic recording disks Toney M F, Rubin K A, Choi S M, Glinka C JAppl. Phys. Lett.821830502003
25Structural fixation of spontaneous vesicles in aqueous mixtures of polymerizable anionic and cationic surfactantsLiu S, Gonzalez Y I, Kaler E WLangmuir1926107322003
26Sub-nanometer wavelength metrology of lithographically prepared structures: A comparison of neutron and X-ray scatteringJones R L, Tengjiao H u, Lin E KProc. SPIE50381912003
27The glass-to-glass transition and its end point in a copolymer micellar systemChen S H, Chen W R, Mallamace FScience30056196192003
28The role of asphaltene solubility and chemical composition on asphaltene aggregationGawrys K L, Spiecker P M, Kilpatrick P KPetrol. Sci. Tech.213-44612003
29Time-resolved small angle neutron scattering measurements of asphaltene nanoparticle aggregation kinetics in incompatible crude oil mixtures Mason T G, Lin M YJ Chem. Phys.11915652003

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