NCNR NG7-SANS Instrument Schedule P. Butler Tel: (301)975-2028 Fax: (301)921-9847, E-mail: Instrument Tel: (301)975-5082 Changeover time: 9:30 a.m. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Num UniqID Date Days Users S-No Experiments Equip Contact ----- ----- ------------------ ------- ------------------------ ----- -------- May 2 1 B. Greenwald Instrument Testing 9P Greenwald May 3 3 L. Magid, Z. Li, X. 1241 Flexibility of Giant 10CB Butler Xu, P. Butler SP10-07 Wormlike Micelles May 6 2 S. Lin-Gibson, R. 3188 Triblock Polysiloxane 9P Kline Jones, C. Han, J. Copolymer Micelles Riffle May 8 2 H. Huang, T. Weiss 2912 Transmembrane Pores 10CB Nieh S13-05 Induced by Peptides May 10 2 D. Bossev, S. 3288 Membrane-Protein 10CB Krueger Krueger, K. Interactions in a Fleming, M. Micelle/Peptide Model May 12 2 M. Lin, E. Sirota 3289 Athabasca Asphaltenes 10CB Lin May 14 2 J. Higgins 3257 Proprietary Research 10CB Glinka May 16 4 P. Dai, H. Kang, H. 3150 Search for Vortex Lattice SCM Lynn Mook Structure in Electron- Doped Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 May 20 2 M. Lin, T. Mason 3292 Clay in Organic 10CB Lin Solvents/PS Particle Concentrations May 22 2 A. Allen, T. 3286 Near-Surface SANS Studies SE Glinka Dobbins of Depth Variation in DVD Coatings May 24 2 B. Bauer, M.-H. 3294 Characterizing Critical 9P Kim Kim, W.-L. Wu, C. Defects in Low-K Films Glinka, J. Lee May 26 1 D. Ho, M. Mackay, 3270 Characterization of Novel 9P Ho C. Hawker Nanoparticles May 27 2 M.-P. Nieh, J. 3279 Stability of Unilamellar 10CB Nieh Katsaras Vesicles May 29 2 S.-H. Chen, W.-R. 3115 Effects of Short-Range 10CB Glinka Chen, E. Fratini, SP16-16 Interactions on the P. Baglioni Glass Transition in May 31 3 R. Jones, E. Lin, 3291 Characterization of VR Ho W.-l. Wu Lithographically Prepared Stuctures June 3 4 SANS Summer School June 7 1 Source Off - commercial power interruption June 8 2 T. Xu 2961 Electric Field Effects on 9P Ho S13-16 Domains in Copolymer Thin Films June 1 1 L. Porcar Low-Q Scattering from a 10CB Porcar Surfactant Lamella Phase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment: 9P:9-Position ambient sample changer; 10CB: 10 Position sample changer (-10 to 100 C); VF: Vacuum Furnace; 7H: 7 Position Heating Block (up to 200 deg C); 7HB: 7 Position Heating Block with BN (up to 300 deg C) HM1:Horizontal High-Field Electromagnet (2 Tesla); HM2:Horizontal Low-Field Electromagnet (0.5 Tesla); DI: Closed Cycle, Displex, refrigerator (10K to 330K); MSC: Minnesota Sliding Plate Shear Cell; BSC: Boulder Couette Flow Shear Cell; SE: Special Environment; NPC: NIST Pressure Cell; SCM: Superconducting Magnet(7 Tesla); 2H: 2 Position Heating Block; VR: Vertical Rotation Stage; Contacts: Jeff Krzywon (x6650), John Barker (x6732), Paul Butler (x2028), Boualem Hammouda (x3961), Susan Krueger (x6734), Steve R. Kline (x6243), Andrew Jackson (x3149), Lionel Porcar (x5049), Mark Laver (x4404),