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NG7 30-m Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument

Instrument Characteristics:

SourceNeutron guide (NG-7), cross section: 50 mm x 50 mm
MonochromatorMechanical velocity selector with variable speed and pitch
Wavelength Range5.0 to 20.0 Å
Wavelength Resolution10% to 22% Δλ/λ(FWHM)
Source-to-Sample Distance4 to 16 m in 1.5 m steps via insertion of guide sections
Sample-to-Detector Distance1.0 to 15.3 m continuously variable
CollimationCircular pinhole collimation or focusing biconcave lenses
Sample Size5 to 25 mm diameter
Q-range0.008 to 7.0 nm-1
Size Regime1 to 500 nm
Detector640mm x 640 mm 3He position-sensitive proportional counter (5 mm x 5 mm resolution)

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Last modified 09-May-2007