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    All of our data are located on the Mass Storage System (MSS) and files can be accessed by anyone with an NCAR computing account. Each dataset contains a list of MSS files associated with the dataset along with information about what is contained within each file. This list can be accessed by clicking the button on the dataset page. If you need assistance with MSS access, you can contact SCD's Technical Consulting Group.
    In general, files on the MSS are COS-blocked, but you should check the MSS file list for other possible formats. If you need files in non-COS-blocked form, you can usually strip the blocking when you read the file from the MSS, or you can do it on your local machine after the read. If you need the software to strip the COS-blocking, you can download one of our versions.
    If you use data provided by us in published research, we request that you acknowledge the original source (or sources) of the data. This information is located on the dataset pages. We also request that you acknowledge NCAR as follows:

      The data were provided by the Data Support Section of the Scientific Computing Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. NCAR is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation.
    To access the dataset MSS file lists, start by using the button in the navigation bar or the SEARCH link at the top of the page.
Updated 22 July 2005 

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