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Social Security Online
Benefit Calculators
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Social Security Quick Calculator

Benefit Calculators

Frequently Asked Questions

Benefit estimates depend on your date of birth and on your earnings history. For security, the "Quick Calculator" can not access your earnings record; instead, it will estimate your earnings based on information you provide. So benefit estimates made by the Quick Calculator are rough and may not match those provided by your Social Security Statement.

Although the "Quick Calculator" makes an initial assumption about your past earnings, you will have the opportunity to change the assumed earnings (click on "See the earnings we used" after you complete and submit the form below).

You must be at least age 22 to use the form at right.

Lack of a substantial earnings history will cause retirement benefit estimates to be unreliable.
Enter your date of birth (// format) / /
Enter in the current year:   $
Your annual earnings must be earnings covered by Social Security.
If you entered 0, we assume you are now retired. Enter the last year in which you had covered earnings and the amount of such earnings.
:     : $
Future retirement date option
If you have decided upon a retirement date, enter the month number and year in which you plan to retire.  

By "retirement date," we mean the month in which you intend to stop working. We assume that this is also the month for which you want benefits to begin. However, if you enter a date before you are eligible for benefits, we will assume you want to start receiving benefits at the earliest possible age (age 62).

Note that using this option gives only one benefit estimate. If you do not give a retirement date and if you have not reached your normal (or full) retirement age, the Quick Calculator will give benefit estimates for three different retirement ages.

Select to see your benefit estimate in

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Jul 30, 2008
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