table of contents advances in computational science research news the NERSC center

Advances in Computational Science

As the premiere computational science facility for the DOE Office of Science, NERSC plays a major role in a wide range of discoveries — from predicting the properties of experimental nanostructures, to finding a surprising triggering mechanism for supernova explosions that explains previously puzzling observations. As a partner in discovery, NERSC works with scientists to steadily expand the capabilities of scientific computation. This section highlights some of the results of this partnership in 2004.


Follow the energy: Simulations are unraveling the details of energy transfer in photosynthesis
Behind the big flash: Calculations reveal new explanation of supernova explosions
Creation of the whorled: Computations probe the subtle principles governing turbulence
Particle physics, precisely: Improved algorithms and faster computers enable first high-precision calculations of hadron properties
Best beam: Laser wakefield technology blazes path to compact particle accelerators
They’re cool, but are they useful? Computation sheds light on new nanostructures
Predicting plasma performance: Fusion simulations advance spheromak research
Aerosol effects: Simulations show that tiny particles can influence climate
What the Planck satellite will see: Simulating a map of the cosmic microwave background
Seeing is understanding: Visualizations help scientists make sense of complex data