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October 6, 2004
contact: (703) 905-3770

FinCEN names David M. Vogt as Associate Director for Analytics

William J. Fox, Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), announced today the appointment of David M. Vogt as Associate Director for Analytics. Mr. Vogt will coordinate FinCEN’s analytic efforts to support its partners in the regulatory, law enforcement and international communities.

“Mr. Vogt brings a depth of talent and management experience to this position,” said Director Fox. “His leadership, experience and talent will serve the Analytics Division, FinCEN and our law enforcement, regulatory and international colleagues very well.”

Prior to assuming this position, Mr. Vogt served as FinCEN’s Strategic Planning Advisor. As a member of the bureau’s senior management team, he was responsible for developing plans and strategies for the implementation and integration of program initiatives across FinCEN organizational lines. Since joining FinCEN at its inception in 1990, he has served as Acting Deputy Director and as an Assistant or Associate Director in each of the bureau’s primary operational areas. Mr. Vogt’s extensive experience before joining FinCEN included serving as a civilian employee in various capacities at the National Security Agency from 1975-1988. He received Bachelor of Arts and Masters degrees from the University of Missouri, Colombia, MO.

Mr. Vogt’s complete bio.
