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December 1, 2003
contact: (703) 905-3770

FinCEN Revises CTR Form

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has modified the Currency Transaction Report, IRS Form 4789, to facilitate the recording of the movement of foreign currency. The revised form, FinCEN Form 104, is now available and can be used effective today. The change was made in response to requests from law enforcement users of CTR information.

The change has added two currency reporting entries to Part II, line item 26a to report foreign cash in, and line item 27a to report foreign cash out.

To facilitate the transition to the new form, the prior version of the CTR, Form 4789, will be accepted until August 31, 2004. FinCEN Form 104 is available on the FinCEN website at:
and will also be posted on FinCEN’s website for money services businesses at:
