Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Influence of Agriculture on Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Temporary Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA

Ned H. Euliss, Jr. and David M. Mushet
U.S. Geological Survey
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Jamestown, North Dakota, USA 58401

Abstract: We evaluated the influence of intensive agriculture on invertebrate communities of temporary wetlands as indicated by aquatic invertebrate resting eggs, shells, and cases remaining after wetlands dried. To facilitate the comparison, we sampled 19 wetlands within cropland areas and 19 wetlands within grassland areas. We found resting eggs, shells, and cases of significantly more taxa and greater numbers of cladoceran resting eggs (ephippia), planorbid and physid snail shells, and ostracod shells in wetlands within grasslands than in croplands. We also successfully incubated greater numbers of cladocerans and ostracods from soil samples collected from grassland sites. We were unable to detect differences in the viability of cladoceran ephippia between grassland and cropland wetlands, but our sample size was small due to an absence of ephippia in most cropland wetlands sampled; 74% of the cropland wetlands were devoid of cladoceran ephippia whereas ephippia were well represented in nearly all of our grassland sites. Our results corroborate findings of other investigators that prairie pothole wetlands have been negatively impacted by human activities. Our study demonstrates that aquatic invertebrates of temporary wetlands have been negatively impacted by intensive agriculture and suggests that future studies need to assess the influence of agricultural practices on wetland-dependant wildlife.

Key Words: agricultural impacts, aquatic invertebrates, Branchiopoda, cases, Cladocera, ephippia, Gastropoda, North Dakota, Ostracoda, prairie pothole region, resting eggs, shells, temporary wetlands, Trichoptera

This resource is based on the following source (Northern Prairie Publication 1061):
Euliss, Ned H., Jr. and David M. Mushet.  1999.  Influence of Agriculture on 
     Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Temporary Wetlands in the Prairie 
     Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA.  Wetlands 19(2): 578-583.

This resource should be cited as:

Euliss, Ned H., Jr. and David M. Mushet.  1999.  Influence of Agriculture on 
     Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Temporary Wetlands in the Prairie 
     Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA.  Wetlands 19(2): 578-583.
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. 
     (Version 05JAN2000).

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