Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

PREFER -- Resource Selection Software

The program PREFER performs calculations described in Johnson (1980) to determine the preference of J individuals for I components (for example, habitat types or kinds of foods) using availability and use data. The method is based on ranks of the components by availability and by use. Accordingly, a virtue of the method is that it provides comparable results whether a questionable component is included or excluded from consideration. Other methods of determining resource preference depend critically on the array of components that the researcher deems available to the animal; such decisions are often arbitrary. PREFER tests the hypothesis that all components are equally preferred and compares components using a multiple comparison procedure.
This resource is based on the following source (Northern Prairie Publication 0441):
Johnson, Douglas H.  1980.  The comparison of usage and availability 
     measurements for evaluating resource preference.  Ecology 61:65-71.
This resource should be cited as:
Johnson, Douglas H.  1980.  The comparison of usage and availability 
     measurements for evaluating resource preference.  Ecology 61:65-71.  
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 16JUL97).

Downloading Instructions -- Instructions on downloading and extracting files from this site.
(Download) (33K) -- PREFER for MS-Dos (requires math coprocessor)
(Download) (555K) -- PREFER for Windows 3.x
(Download) (825K) PREFER for OS/2 2.x


PREFER for MS-Dos: Extract the files and read the file PREFER.DOC for further installation instructions.
PREFER for Windows: Extract the files and read the file README for further installation instructions.
PREFER for OS/2: Extract the files and read the file README.TXT for further installation instructions.
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