Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

America's Northern Plains

An Overview and Assessment of Natural Resources

United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
May 1996

JPG-Pictures of various Northern Plains attributes

This brochure provides a general overview of the basic natural land resources in the Northern Plains region and their sustainability over time. It also describes the primary external forces (both natural and human caused) which are likely to affect those resources and it identifies projected changes in the resource base.

This resource is based on the following source:

1996.  America's Northern Plains:  An Overview and Assessment of Natural
     Resources.  U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources
     Conservation Service. 16pp.
This resource should be cited as:
1996.  America's Northern Plains:  An Overview and Assessment of Natural
     Resources.  U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources
     Conservation Service. 16pp.  Jamestown, ND: 
     Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 15AUG97).





The Northern Plains Regional Office appreciates the contributions of R.D. Nielsen, G.B. Muckel, A. Mendenhall, D.T. Lightle (National Soil Survey Center), and B.C. Wight (National Agroforestry Center) to the development, compilation, and review of this manuscript. We also thank H.R. Sinclair (NSSC), H.P. Terpstra (Iowa State University Statistical Laboratory), S.W. Waltman (NSSC), and J.D. Vrana (NSSC) for their contribution of "Soil Ratings for Plant Growth in the Northern Plains Region," which represents original research and application in this manuscript. Special thanks go to David Buland (NRI Center, Temple, TX) for his work on the demographics and economics sections of this manuscript.

S.C. Stover (NRI Specialist' Northern Plains Region) provided all the NRI analyses and interpretive maps used throughout this document. This substantial contribution to the resource assessment is not simply exemplary but sets the standards and expectations for us all.

The NPRO also thanks the other NRCS Regional Offices for their contributions to the literature review and for their assistance with GIS. In addition, we thank Bonnie Kadavy for manuscript preparation and Dr. Maria Lemon for technical editing, brochure design and layout, and preparation of camera readies.

Copies of this publication may be obtained from:
Strategic Planner
NRCS, Northern Plains Regional Office
Federal Building, Room 240
100 Centennial Mall North
Lincoln, NE 68508-3866 USA

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